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Hemorrhoids - an embarrassing and nagging problem

anal diseases are one of the most common ailments, zktórymi meets every pharmacist in the daily work of pharmacy. Potwierdzająto the statistics. Bowel disease and rectal uprzemysłowionychcierpi countries more than half the adult population. Pain, itching, humid in okolicyodbytu, blood on toilet paper, suddenly appearing tumor, zabrudzonabielizna, the symptoms with which patients often seek advice first waptece. At present state of knowledge of diseases proctologic (grec.prokton = rectum and Lat. Kolon = large intestine) is already very large. Rozwinąłsię whole range of diagnostic, therapeutic and środkówfarmakologicznych. It is in this topic made aware of the patient. Niepotrzebnezwlekanie a visit to the doctor may affect the development of the state bardziejgroźniejszych. Among the diseases proctologic one of the most common diseases sąhemoroidy (haemorrhoids, haemorrhoids, hemorrhoids).

Structure and physiology of the anus

Abylepiej understand the causes of this condition we refer to the construction of ifizjologią anus. The rectum is an average of 15 cm in length, is bardzorozciągliwa, has a bulge (bulb) and a large ability to change capacity. On one hand (the left lower abdomen) creates an extension of the descending jelitagrubego (sigmoid colon). On the other hand, is finished with the anus. In odbytnicyzbiera the feces, which is lying here often for hours or days. The wall bańkiodbytnicy are nerve endings that transmit signals from the brain dowypróżnienia intestine. Defecation followed by groups of muscles around the anus (anal sphincter) and the muscle covering the bubble rectum (the pelvic mięśniprzepony). The transition from bubble to the anus rectum is narrow, has a 3 -5 cm in length and is closed by the anal sphincter muscle. At the end begins kanałuodbytu skin that is visible and palpable. Entire pokrytejest gut mucosa. The anal mucosa enters the skin. Granicamiędzy mucous membranes and the skin is not easy, but serrated. Międzyposzczególnymi cones skin, reaching the mucous membrane, creates onazatoki similar to the pocket, so. crypt. In the bottom of the crypts are sięgruczoły which channels can range as high as the sphincter muscle. The crypts możesię collect fluid, stool or small foreign bodies from the food. Develops sięwtedy inflammation that can extend to channels of the glands and thus to mięśni.Tu are therefore the starting points of many diseases. Innervation of the rectum, and anus teżskóry is very intense, hence the high sensitivity to pain. Sam zaśbłona mucosa is insensitive to pain. This is important when choosing sposobuleczenia.

hemorrhoids Development - favorable factors

Hemoroidywystępują mostly between 30 and 50 years of age. The mechanism of powstawaniajest follows. Above the anal canal mucosa in każdegoczłowieka is vascular plexus. It complements the camera's operation and very springy mięśnizwierających filled with a bowel movement. At wpływemróżnych factors vascular tangle możeulec larger temporary. These factors include chronic constipation, prolonged use of laxatives, bowel movements combined zdługim seat and a strong urge, the overall weakness of the connective tissue, inflammation izastoje feces around the anus. In addition to disease agents known to still exist zpewnością other harmful agents to which the human body możezareagować in different ways.

periods of disease

I period. następujeczasowe increase during the first vascular plexus. There is an admixture of blood in the blood stolcu.Możemy held on paper or even bleeding from kanałuodbytu. The reason is bleeding from the mucous membrane, stretched przezpowiększony vascular plexus. Period I is not painful. In the case of brakuleczenia lesions develop and are referred to as:
II period. ulegająuszkodzeniu blood vessels so much that they are partially replaced by connective tissue. Tworząsię "bumps" that descend at a very sensitive anal canal. During straining lubwypróżnienia these tumors are moved by the fecal masses downwards. Opróczkrwawienia second major symptom of this period is a pain. If such a state niejest treated and maintained many months or years, then changes chorobowepostępują further.
third period. vascular plexus loses its efficiency. Gotkanki surrounding changing. Sphincter muscle function is decreasing, tkankanaczyniowa is replaced by connective tissue and at each wypróżnieniuduże tumors fall out or remain permanently on the outside, visible wujściu anal canal. Large tumors cushions entail downward mucosa, which remained outside the intestine is subject to constant drażnieniu and responds to tośluzową secretions. Therefore, the major finding in this period stałezawilgocenie anal, dirty underwear. Often a feeling of oppression iból.
Szczególnąpostacią disease manifested by a sudden pain after defecation and wypadnięciemdużego, bleeding, mucus-coated wet tumor is incarceration krwawniczych tumors. While pushing the współistniejącąobstrukcją is pressed, one or more tumors krwawniczych, which is already not allowed to withdraw and remain before the anus. The tumors rapidly wypadniętych powstająskrzepy. Arterial blood reaches the tumor, but the return of blood is stopped. Wypadnięty Wwyniku this tumor is getting bigger, the pain worsens, obrzękokołoodbytniczy is larger, burst blood vessels and efekciedochodzi to necrosis. Need urgent medical attention.
Innąpostacią krwawniczych tumors is zakrzepicaokołoodbytowa . The disease arises in the blood vessels podskórnychwskutek very hard stool, straining and prolonged obstruction. In trakciedefekacji have sudden pain, and during treatments okolicyodbytu hygiene can feel painful tumor sizes. Treatment consists of poddaniusię surgery or the use of ointments and sitz powodującychustąpienie changes, then the treatment can take several weeks. In okolicyodbytu are often skin folds, which cause eczema rectal ibrudzenia underwear.

Początkoweobjawy hemorrhoids may disappear as a result of pharmacological treatment, should be united jednakpoważniejsze have surgery. Important jestodpowiednia diagnosis, to exclude such wadyanatomiczne or rectal cancer.
Leczeniehemoroidów aims to
  • Poprawękrążenia and condition of the peripheral vascular
  • ; Zmniejszeniestanów inflammatory
  • Redukcjębólu
  • Regulacjęwypróżnień, affecting the reduction in an effort to defecate

bezrecepty drugs for hemorrhoids

Pharmacists możnaznaleźć a range of measures available without a prescription, which show wyżejwymienione soothing and healing. These include:
first Surowcepochodzenia plant:
  • wyciągz chestnut bark standardized for esculin, standardized naescynę seeds, tannins contained in the raw material have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, present in the complex preparations: AESCULAN - ointment EMORECT - gel.

  • wyciągz witch hazel leaves: in addition to the extract of marigold and chamomile is jednymze components beauty care cream around the anus ANALEN .

  • wyciągz rhizomes Ruszczyk barbed containing ruscogenin, reinforcing naczyniakrwionośne; present in a formulation made RUSCOREX - suppositories, CYCLO-3 FORTE - tablets. When ruszczyku we stay longer, as it proved its effectiveness in many studies. This drug is often recommended by doctors. Ru
    szczyk barbed, barbed myszopłoch (Ruscus aculeatus L.) belongs to the family Ruscaceae (Ruszczykowate / myszopłochowate), previously classified in the family szparagowatych Asparagaceae and lily Liliaceae. J est is low, evergreen shrub, with underground rhizomes. Rhizome reaches a length of 10 cm and 1 cm in diameter, has no odor and has a slight sweet-tart flavor. The shrub has a stiff, straight upright, branched stems. Competent leaves are small, in the form of green scales, with their groins liściokształtne grow shoots, leaves, function, or fyllokladia (gałęziaki). They are leathery, dark, barbed end. Male and female flowers spring bloom on separate plants are green, grow from the bottom of the stem singly or in bunches. The fruit is round, red colored berry, ripening in September and remaining on the plant throughout the winter. Rhizome harvesting takes place in late autumn. plant comes from the Mediterranean. Currently exists in many countries in Europe, in Asia (Iran), in North Africa and the southern U.S.. Habitat of its occurrence are dry, sunny and warm slopes, thickets, forests, occasionally reaches up to 1000 m altitude R Barbed uszczyk has many common names in England is named Sweet broom, Myrtle Jews, Butcher's broom. English name Butcher's broom (broom butcher) is derived from the historical use, tree branches were formerly collected and sold in bundles of butchers who used them as a broom to clean the blocks, which cut the meat. Polish name Ruszczyk - myszopłoch barbed, refers to the belief that this plant has the capacity to deter mice, and refers to the old habit of stacking and effective between the meat Ruszczyk. Also, its Italian name pungitopo (sting per mouse) refers to this property Ruszczyk. In Italy, he was suspended between the dried meat in order to deter mice. J lready Theophrastus, the Greek scholar and philosopher, describes the healing capabilities Ruszczyk as plants with nearly miraculous properties. It also mentions Dioscorides (Materia Medica) as a remedy for kidney stones, and Gaius Plinius Secundus (Historia naturalis). In the Middle Ages, this plant was known for its ability to remove heaviness in the legs caused by prolonged standing. Was especially recommended for women during menstruation or pregnancy. Ruszczyk also used in cases jaundice, gout, gallstones, and kidney, atherosclerosis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Until the fifties the twentieth century was only used in herbal medicine and natural medicine, but after tests conducted in France, is also considered conventional medicine's healing properties. It was confirmed that Ruszczyk is a material with many uses and properties, most importantly, however, is its activity in relation to the cardiovascular system. Ruszczyk gain from dried, whole or fragmented underground parts - Ruszczyk Rusci rhizome Rhizoma. According to the requirements of Pharmacopoeia VIII rhizome should contain not less than 1% per sapogenins ruscogenin (mixture neoruskogeniny and ruscogenin). K Ruszczyk link contains steroidal saponins (ruscyna, ruscogenin, neoruskogenina, ruscoside) also flavonoids, benzofuran, phytosterols (sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol), unsaturated fatty acids, triterpenes, coumarins, alkaloids, essential oil, minerals, resins. In ODERN studies have shown the importance of the rhizome as vasoprotectivum Ruszczyk and antihaemorrhoidales. Extract from increased wall tension Ruszczyk veins, reduces adhesion of leukocytes and polymorphonuclear cells to endothelium, extravasation of protein reduces the swelling, increases venous flow and pressure of the returning venous blood. Veins shrink effect is dose dependent, is enhanced by the heat, and particularly clear żylakowatymi vascular changes. The action is linked to the direct stimulation of postsynaptic receptors? -1 And? -2 And the release of norepinephrine from nerve endings. Is often used in combination with hesperidin, which reduces the permeability of capillaries. Ruszczyk Spiky was also tested with good results in a drop in pressure (orthostatic hypotension) when changing to standing position, causing dizziness or light-headedness. Ruszczyk significantly reduces negative symptoms, without any increase in pressure in contrast to other drugs used in this case. Ruszczyk barbed venous pressure raises your blood, increases blood vessel wall tension, increase blood flow in the veins and lymph circulation, prevents bottlenecks blood and lymph circulation, swelling and wysiękom, strengthens and seals blood vessels, constricts blood vessels. extracts were Ruszczyk for the treatment of renal veins and lymph vessels, in relieving the symptoms of allergies, varicose veins, edema of the limbs. They are suitable for long-term treatment of excessive permeability and fragility of blood vessels. It is also recommended to relieve symptoms associated with hemorrhoids (itching, burning). To strengthen the effect of the extract from Ruszczyk can be used in conjunction with the extract of horse chestnut (aescin inhibits hyaluronidase) - it complements their action and together work harder. This synergy is often used in the finished pharmaceutical preparations, which deliver relieve swollen, tired feet. In hungry and hydro-alcoholic extracts from the rhizomes Ruszczyk are used in medicine to treat hemorrhoids, inflammation of the skin and blood vessels. Saponins Ruszczyk strengthen and tone blood vessels, also have anti-inflammatory action. Their mechanism of action prevents excessive expansion of the vein, and in case of leaks krwawniczych tumors (hemorrhoids) loss from the ground outside. Anti-inflammatory and przeciwobrzękowo - eliminating the annoying itching and burning, which causes inflammation of the veins and stabilize the substrate, where the leg veins and haemorrhoids are embedded. D Obree effects from the use of Ruszczyk obtained with atherosclerosis, affecting the peripheral and strengthen capillary walls. Raw material also reduces cholesterol. It has cytotoxic properties and antihistamines. It prevents bleeding and vaginal plamieniom occurring during the use of oral contraceptives. Ruszczyk rhizome is also used as a mild diuretic. Because of the ability to prevent the penetration of liquids from the veins into surrounding tissues, increases the body's ability to filter through the kidneys and excreted in the urine. This property is used in relieving edema associated with menopause or certain cardiac problems. It is true that there are many other medicines that help in these problems, however, due to the lack of side effects Ruszczyk barbed enjoys considerable popularity in some countries. It is given in lithiasis of the bladder, the urine has stopped, as a diuretic. It is used in rheumatic disease. He is regarded as a natural remedy "blood cleansing" This action may be helpful for people with poisoning the body and slimming. In medicine, an official application was also received from Ruszczyk ruscogenin. It has przeciwwysiękowe properties, anti-inflammatory. Increases venous tension, improves circulation of venous blood, protects the structure of the blood and lymph vessels. Is an inhibitor of elastase. Ruscogenin part of the compound preparations, both oral and external use. Dosage: The recommended dose should contain 7-11 mg / day ruscogenin. D CTIVITIES effects: When using formulations containing an extract from Ruszczyk, you may notice increased sweating. Occasionally there may be abdominal discomfort and mild nausea (oral). Contraindications: Contraindications to the use of preparations of Ruszczyk are hypertension and prostate enlargement. There is insufficient information on contraindications in the use of Ruszczyk for children and pregnant and lactating women, but as always in these cases, caution is advisable.
  • wyciągiz marigold flowers, arnica or having anti-inflammatory activity; będąceskładnikami preparation HEMOCAL .
second Anti-inflammatory drugs including hydrocortisone - HEMCORT - HC , tribenozyd - Procto - GLYVENOL having udowodnionąskuteczność in reducing inflammation.
third Drugs miejscowoznieczulające , ie lidocaine, tetracaine, benzocaine, bringing temporary relief from pain and itching are complex składnikamipreparatów: Procto-GLYVENOL - suppositories, creams, Procto-HEMOLAN, SAPOVEN-T . However, these preparations must byćczęsto used because the short run. Some patients come to the states możeniekiedy allergic skin around the anus.
4th Środkiściągające (preparations containing bismuth, zinc, balsam of Peru), acting antibacterial, their mechanizmdziałania relies on the precipitation of surface proteins, so a protective layer over zostajewytworzona hemorrhoids, are components complex formulas: RECTOSEC, HEMORECTAL, HEMCORT-HC .
5th Lekizawierające semisynthetic derivative rutozydu - troxerutin, works exudation, uszczelniai relaxes blood vessel walls, is a component of preparations: TROXERATIO, TROXESCORBIN .
6th In addition to wyżejwspomnianych groups of drugs, offered several pharmacies are available preparations of propolis -counter suppositories hemorrhoids. However, before using this specyfiku, należysprawdzić, whether the patient is not allergic to bee products.
7th On rynkudostępne are suppositories and ointment POSTERISAN which contain an aqueous suspension of dead bakteriiEscherischia coli. Suppositories is used during the day, ointment at night. This drug stimulates the immune system's natural defenses iwspomaga to fight infection. The result of his działaniajest relieve itching and burning. Preparation POSTERISAN H, which also contains hydrocortisone, is the prescription.

New narynku sąurządzenia devices intended for the topical treatment of varicose veins odbytu.Przyrząd Hemor-RITE serves doleczenia hemorrhoids by cryotherapy (using a low temperature). Its use relieves itching, swelling, pain and effectively desensitizes izwęża dishes. It is designed to be reused, even for a period of 6months. P amiętajmy that these devices can be used only by one patient!
Pacjencicierpiący for hemorrhoids should not also forget the doustnejsuplementacji drugs, commonly used in the treatment of varicose veins kończyndolnych. Among the preparations are taking should be included such specifics as VARIXINAL, AESCIN, Esceven and takżepopularny DIOSMINEX .
lekówhomeopatycznych Supporters can buy the company's preparations Boiron - maśćlub AVENOC suppositories or manual Sanum-D3 ointment MUCOKEHL .


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