Friday, May 13, 2011

Does Herpes Occur On Pubic Hump

diseases Women - vaginal discharge, inflammation of the appendages, cervicitis

Although statistically, women live longer than men, but this does not oznaczato that are less ill. On the contrary, it seems that they are exposed nawięcej diseases. Disease, which goes to the doctor sir, and dalszejkolejności to the pharmacy, are often related genital - genital, because naich specific structure and physiology. So let's talk a bit more extensively tested, and state tentemat metody zapobiegania i leczenia, widziane przedewszystkim z punktu widzenia farmaceuty. Omawiając choroby kobiece świadomiepominąłem menopauzę oraz dość skrótowo potraktowałem zespół napięciaprzedmiesiączkowego. Schorzenia te wymagają bowiem osobnego omówienia, do czegozachęcam w kolejnych cyklach.               



Prawiekażda dorosła woman may observe in their genital secretions. Jejobecność does not necessarily mean the disease immediately. Unfortunately, whites often will spawn as a result of disease states.
What is discharge?
Upławaminazywa niekrwawą is any discharge from the female genital tract. Prawidłowawydzielina from the reproductive tract consists of:
· atrial gland secretions major (Bartholin's) and smaller (Skenego)
· transudate and exfoliated cells of the vaginal walls,
· the cervical mucus,
· gland secretions of the endometrium and fallopian tubes.
physiological Najczęściejwydzieliny are not very abundant, mucoid, clear or białawe.Pojawiają on a regular basis (usually in the middle of the cycle, for a few days przedjajeczkowaniem). Their number increases, and then clear day can wynosićnawet 30 ml (volume 2 large spoons). Emerging upławom the rule does not towarzysząz other symptoms (itching, burning, pain during sexual intercourse, bólebrzucha). No symptoms in partner may also indicate fizjologicznycharakter discharge.
Odczynprawidłowych vaginal discharge is acidic as a result of lactic acid bacteria, which causes their unique smell, a bit stale after decomposition. Fizjologicznawydzielina has no unpleasant odor.
Nawetobfite discharge does not always show the status of disease and do not require treatment, although sometimes felt by women as unpleasant. Fizjologiczniepochodzą including from the vestibule of the vagina, as a result of sexual excitement główniegruczoły greater vestibular (Bartholin) produce large quantities of śluzuułatwiające introduction of the penis into the vagina. Also during the dojrzewaniapłciowego a result of "hormonal" girls complain naobfitą, whitish discharge from the vagina.
Dowzmożonego secretion of vaginal discharge can also occur under the influence of drażnieniamechanicznego vagina, such as the impact of a spiral intrauterine or kapturkanaszyjkowego. This could also be a foreign body introduced into the vagina in celumasturbacji.
What should arouse anxiety?
Upławychorobowe usually are more plentiful. They have a different color: yellow, greenish, pink and unpleasant smell. May be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the genital czasiestosunków, frequent urination, or pelvic pain. Obecnośćniepokojących symptoms in the partner (pain, itching, burning, urinary disorder woddawaniu) may also indicate illness (infectious) pochodzenieupławów. Cause discomfort, itching and burning. Sometimes występująstany low-grade fever and chills. Drobnoustrojeprzenoszone cause infections are sexually transmitted. Another source of vaginal discharge may be infected drożdżakamilub often found in women during menopause, atrophic vaginitis (caused by hormonal disorders). They occur primarily wzakażeniu vagina and vulva.
tampons or pads Przewlekłeużywanie hygiene hindering the outflow of mucus idostęp air into the vagina can cause the development of secondary and opisaneobjawy anaerobes.
What to do?
In many cases, fail to eliminate sown with simple treatments and intensify preparation higieny.Zastosowanie Lactovaginal in kapsułekdopochwowych form, which prevents changes in the bacterial flora of the vagina and chroniprzed excessive multiplication of yeast, mold and fungi in combination zodpowiednią own and partner's health, has very often expected efekt.Preparatyziołowe ( Vagosan, Vagolavit, Feminosept) available at any pharmacy and herbal shop are extremely helpful in leczeniuzakażeń vulva and vagina. They have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, regenerating przeciwbakteryjnei irritated mucous membranes. Another possibility is stosowaniepreparatu Tantum Rosa , drug acting anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic, whose active substance is benzydamina.Podobnie as herbal preparations, can be used for washes okolicintymnych and in the form irygacji.Należy However, remember that vaginal irrigation is recommended only przypadkuwystąpienia lesions around the vulva and vagina. Her frequent stosowaniebez therapeutic indications lead to wash out the physiological development of flora and możepowodować yeast, vaginal inflammation or even infection czymacicy appendages. Proper bacterial flora is reborn in 72 hours. after irrigation. Jeśliirygacje used frequently, can cause permanent changes wywołanenadmiernym growth of anaerobic bacteria. Therefore, as in any case, you should exercise restraint.
necessary contact zginekologiem .
finally, each case of vaginal discharge, however, advise you contact the ginekologiem.Tylko he can correctly recognize and effectively treat the disease, którepowodują discharge. In order to clarify the cause of symptoms is often opróczwywiadu genital and watching the doctor decides to badaniemikroskopowe secretions or bacterial culture. Sometimes it may be siękonieczna endometrial biopsy and transvaginal ultrasound rodnego.Leczenie organ may also include a partner.


Upławysą treated often by accident, many drugs and often nieskutecznie.Zastosowanie therapy is appropriate only after determining the cause and miejscapochodzenia secretions. Administration of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics in case of the enhanced, resulting in physiological or stress wydzielinymoże lead to sterilization and abnormal vaginal defense mechanisms cozagraża development of pathological flora. On the other hand, there leczoneprzewlekłe genital tract inflammation can cause inflammation of przydatkówczy infertility. Therefore, or in the event of a discharge occurring odzwykle different woman should go to a specialist.
How to prevent?
When we see too little mucus during intercourse is painful istosunki is to prevent erosion, myoma, states zapalnychnależy before sex baby oil, and moisten your own vulva swojegomęża. The heavily protects a woman the propensity of inflammatory dostanów reproductive organs. Such behavior will reduce możliwośćwystępowania vaginal discharge, and thereby improve the quality of life of women.


Pochwasąsiaduje from the mouth of the urethra and anus, and thus is exposed nawszelkiego type of infection. Factors contributing to inflammation are:
· mechanical injury - resulting during intercourse, masturbation or zakładaniatamponów;
· thermal trauma - vaginal lavage solutions too hot;
· chemical trauma - vaginal washing disinfectants on zbytsilnym concentration;
· ; pathogens.
Doobjawów vaginitis include vaginal discharge, itching and burning.
Treatment is fairly simple and consists of local or sporadic stosowaniuśrodków bactericides, fungicides, disinfectants or przeciwzapalnych.Najczęściej frequent reoccurrence of fungal vaginitis. His leczeniejest long and arduous.
Inflammation of the cervix
Jestnajczęstszą female genital disease. Source infection is the vagina, where the rich bacterial flora, or virus attacks the cervix. Inflammation niedaje symptoms of pain, itching or burning, the only sign of this condition sąupławy. Inflammation can be identified by viewing the neck in the sight glass - jeżelidoszło to infection, it is flushed, sometimes slightly przerośnięta.Diagnostykę complete smears and cultures taken from the cervix.
Treatment consists of topical administration of pellets, tablets or gels. Sporadyczniestosuje with antibiotics or sulfonamides.
adnexal inflammation
appendages is a joint determination of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. These bodies are just przysobie, so that in inflammatory conditions usually are covered by the disease together.
to acute inflammation occurs mostly via the ascending - bakteryjnawędruje flora from the vagina through the uterus to the appendages. Then the woman feels a strong bólw lower abdomen, has a high temperature, sometimes vomiting, there are teżomdlenia. Sometimes
acute appendages causes symptoms very similar to objawówostrego appendicitis or torsion of ovarian cyst.
treatment of acute adnexal is general and vaginal podawaniuantybiotyków or sulphonamides and painkillers.
Chronic inflammation of the adnexa is the most common process zejściowym zapaleniaostrego. As a result, there is the emergence of adnexal adhesions okolicznymitkankami. Same adhesions may cause pain, and even a slight inflammation wmiednicy it is substantially smaller increases.
Treatment is the same as in acute appendages. After złagodzeniupierwszych symptoms is recommended for sanatorium treatment, eg combined with the use of tampons mud. They are not available in the pharmacy.
mud (peat, peat muds) are natural minerals, resulting in the effect butwieniaczęści aquatic plant with a small air-iudziałem microorganisms. After crushing and mixing with water are used mainly for pulp form of an HCl bath, wrappings, and wraps.
primary task of mud treatment is overheating tissues powodującelepsze their oxygen and nutrition, increased utilization produktówprzemiany matter and the removal of stress metabolites. Besides działaniemodkwaszającym by chemical properties were also found przeciwzapalne.Zarówno in women as in men, after surgery increases poziomhormonu luteinizing mud, while the insulin level in blood serum ulegaobniżeniu.
use of wrappings in gynecology, bathing and kolumnizacji contributes to powiększeniamacicy at its underdevelopment, occurring simultaneously with niedoczynnościąhormonalna ovaries. In ovarian insufficiency after zawijaniach and tamponachborowinowych recovering, rising levels of estradiol and progesterone orazwydzielanie urine adrenaline and noradrenaline without changes in the poziomugonadotropin. (Stimulative impact of the mud on the ovaries). In przewlekłychzapaleniach vaginal and cervical swabs improves the condition of mud klinicznyoraz partially reduce the volume and quality florębakteryjną .. Effective also in functional infertility and menopause wprzedwczesnym (or re-alignment of menstrual cycles izłagodzenie accompanying symptoms).
vaginal tampons (kolumnizacja) -fine particulate mud or mud paste sterilized przedwykonaniem surgery. at about 100 ° C. for 20-30 min. Temperaturapapki 1942-1944 ° C, treatment time 10-20 min. maximum of 30 minutes. Tampons used się3-5 times a week. After removal of tampons lavage pochwywyjałowioną a water temperature of 38-40 ° C.

Painful periods

Silnedolegliwości pain that accompanies menstruation, is a common problemnastolatek and young women. Usually disappear before age 30 or pourodzeniu first child. Sometimes they are so painful that force women dopozostawania in bed for 2 - 3 days, which adversely affects their życiezawodowe and social events. When bleeding occurs most often in pain dolebrzucha coupled with strong contractions. These days, many women complain of headaches równieżna, Cross, weakness and depressed mood. Sometimes there siętakże digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea iwymioty. These symptoms usually appear first dniakrwawienia in the next few days will become less burdensome, or disappear. Mogąsię, however, remain for the duration of menstruation.
Powtarzającesię painful menstruation can have very serious reasons, such jakniedorozwój or defective construction of uterine fibroids, tumors, or chronic genital stanyzapalne so please contact on this matter zginekologiem. If the test does not show anything alarming, a sign żecierpimy on primary dysmenorrhea, and the cause of pain is very silneskurcze uterus, which may impede the outflow of blood from this organ. Wówczasdolegliwości do not require specialist treatment, and felt bólemmusimy cope alone.
Bóltowarzyszący menstruation is different from other types of pain, primarily zewzględu the causes that produce it. The first of these are strong skurczemacicy. Second This high concentration of prostaglandins, that have wielokierunkowywpływ the functioning of the body, including the formation and pain.
menstrual pain in case of the standard analgesic tablets containing ibuprofen, naproxen , or ketoprofen may not be very effective. Wartowówczas reach for the medicine made - Vegantalgin H who działarównocześnie analgesic and relaxant. The first component - Butylobromekhioscyny, causes relaxation of smooth muscles in the urinary system - sexual intercourse, the second ingredient - acetaminophen, raises the threshold of sensitivity to pain, thanks zcemubóle abdomen, head, cross, chest and muscles are felt less intensywnie.Działanie dilator smooth muscles of the uterus show the preparations: No-Spa, Galospa .
dilator has a stronger formulation Buscopan, now available without a prescription
Not recommended preparations acetylosalicowego acid ( Asprocol , Polopiryna , aspirin) because they may increase bleeding and prolong the time jegotrwania. The homeopathic medicines are worth recommending: Actaea racemosa 9 CH and Colocynthis 9 CH .
Zesposobów pharmacological interventions are effective abdominal massage with lavender zastosowaniemolejku potent diastolic. It is also best to start pićnapary herbal chamomile Roman, raspberry or mint leaves for 2-3 days przedspodziewana menstruation. They are benign diastolic performance. When bolesnychmiesiączkach is also important to proper diet. Avoid potrawwzdymających, spicy, salty and a heavy and zrezygnowaćz strong coffee, tea and Coca-Cola in favor of herbal infusions or wodymineralnej.


Zespółnapięcia premenstrual complaint is affecting both teens and mature women. The causes of these disorders from obesity are many lubnadmiernego emaciation ranging through a variety of nieprawidłowościhormonalne, including tumors. They are related mainly ifizjologią anatomy of the body, but you can not forget about the stress, negative przeżyciachi other factors having an adverse impact on the complex mechanizmycyklu monthly.

It is estimated that every month przedmenstruacją at least 30% of women become depressed. Voltage mawiele menstrual symptoms, including lethargy, irritability, lack of energy, feelings of helplessness, hostility to the environment, low resistance to noise, low self-esteem, depression, feelings of insecurity, low libido (sexual desire), vague concerns about the future and an extremely strong desire for love. Wczasie menstrual tension and irritability, although weaker, relief of depression jednaktowarzyszy often lasting as long as no increase poziomestrogenu.

Leczeniefarmakologiczne .
napięciaprzedmiesiączkowego The band are used contraceptives, diuretics, lekiprzeciwlękowe, preparations containing bromocriptine. In the pharmacy often zwracamuwagę ladies on preparations of magnesium, zinc, preparations containing gamma-linolenic acid (based on evening primrose, borage, wheat germ and pumpkin).
with homeopathy worthy poleceniajest MASTODYNON N - pochodzeniaroślinnego drug that regulates the hormonal imbalance.


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