Saturday, December 5, 2009

Read In The Deep End By Kate Cann Online

new blog Christmas


am pleased to announce that the first day of December starts my next blog , unlike all previous wąskotematyczny. It is entitled "Real Christmas ", And devoted entirely to the religious dimension not only of holidays, but throughout the Christmas season, from Advent through to the period after the three kings ending. Today, Christmas is significantly laicyzują and are increasingly being brought into Christmas trees, gifts, culinary and shopping. creating a Christmas blog, I wish the best of their modest possibilities, to oppose this effect. Most of the texts on this blog will poświęconych liturgy and paraliturgii. In the latter, a lot will, of course listings carols. Not all texts will be new. At least half will be a resumption of texts in the "Culture Svetomira Eye" from the previous two years. In total, I plan to publish the texts of thirty to forty during the period between December first and the thirteenth of January. If the blog is adopted, I plan to develop similar for Lent and Easter and Christmas to come back next year.