Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Menopause - a difficult period in the life of a woman

climacteric period (Menopause) is a step in the life kobietytrudnym, followed by a gradual decline since the full capacity of płciowejoraz associated with this painful ailment. Disturbances in the production of hormonówpłciowych manifested irregular menstrual cycles, until their failure (menopause), and begin the various disorders, such as flushing dogłowy with a feeling of heat, dizziness, headaches, sweating, palpitations and bicieserca and emotional sensitivity. In addition to revealing zmianyogólnoustrojowe, including increase in blood pressure, joint pain and postępującaosteoporoza. Let us nearer problems associated with menopause and read sięco offer a pharmacy, and to combat the unpleasant symptoms and effects.

problem lies in hormones
kobietwytwarzane In the body there are two major steroid hormones. Estradiol is produced in the ovary, a prerequisite for the development żeńskichnarządów genital and secondary sexual characteristics. Organizmiekobiety undergoes transformation to structurally related compounds and physiologically - estrone and estriol - moisten the returnees, particularly abundant during pregnancy and lactation. Progesterone is produced in the corpus luteum and the placenta macicznymod third month of pregnancy. Enables the implantation of eggs in the uterus of pregnant iutrzymanie. Along with estradiol induces menstrual periods. Brakrównowagi in normal secretion of estradiol and progesterone causes symptoms całąkaskadę (previously mentioned), in varying degrees of severity.
As the production of sex hormones after menopause decreases gwałtownieo more than 80 percent, the result is that different bodies, which contain estrogen sięreceptory (brain, heart, bones) do not work as they should, akobieta feel unpleasant symptoms. The effect of low estrogen levels jestzanik mucosa and mucus in the vagina. This is accompanied by pressure, pain when passing urine, and incontinence, as with infection of the urinary tract. Pochwyto Dryness cause of most sexual problems later in menopause, because it causes pain during intercourse and inflammation. Without treatment, the changes idolegliwości become more onerous. Vagina, labia, łechtaczkakurczą and doing less flexible. All of this may be the cause of pain iswędzenia, a woman becomes more susceptible to urinary tract infections .

Hormonalnaterapia a substitute

long believed żeobjawy menopause is irreversible. However, modern medicine poradziłasobie with this problem by introducing doterapii menopausal hormone replacement therapy, in short HRT. This method niejest similar to oral contraceptives. Stosując pill przyjmujesię artificial hormones, which in addition to hormones that your body has already produkuje.HTZ also intended to supplement the levels of natural sex hormones, which does not produce organizmjuż and restores their levels przedmenopauzalny, alleviating objawyfizyczne and mental health associated with menopause. HRT wykorzystujehormony similar to produced by the body before menopause, estrogen, or estrogenyi progetagen. HRT should be started as soon as possible, about 45roku life, ie at a time when the first symptoms appear wokres entering puberty, such as irregular periods - often paradoksalniebardziej abundant at more frequent intervals (sometimes even beztowarzyszących hot flushes), and later full so. menopausal symptoms (wary, increased sweating, palpitations, mood disorders).
The available therapies lekarzwybierze safest and most effective. This choice will be zależnyod severity of symptoms, age and general health and indywidualnychżyczeń. Apply patches on the skin or tablets. Slices may contain sametylko estrogens or estrogens and a progestin. Some women wybierająiniekcje estrogen every 3 months or a subcutaneous implant. The aim zwalczaniapodrażnienia or dryness in the vagina, doctors can prescribe hormone TerapięZastępczą the form of a cream or pessaries. There is already a new form of tejterapii. It is a vaginal tablet, which is introduced into the vagina przypomocy hygienic applicator. Its advantage is that it does not zabrudzeńbielizny, which greatly increases the comfort women. Please ask your doctor odostępne preparations on the market HRT containing reduced doses of hormones. They onerównie effective as those in high doses, and wywołujązdecydowanie fewer side effects.

"Hormonal" plants

During badańprowadzonych the Far East, pointed out that in kobietspożywających regular foods such as tofu, kudzu, pomegranates, dates, flax czysiemię not occur some of the unpleasant symptoms associated okresowimenopauzy. It was found that the compounds responsible for the operation wymienionychproduktów are contained in them fitohormony.Ponieważ some of them are similar in construction and operation of the hormonówludzkich, including estrogen, it is possible to use them wwielu areas of life. With the knowledge of scientists and the latest conquests biochemiidysponujemy today a new generation of cosmetics containing in its składzieroślinne hormones, which are delivered from the outside, in the form of cosmetics, skin aging mogąprzeciwdziałać. These systems have been introduced kosmetykóww the hope that their action on the skin will help to delay the process jejstarzenia primarily at women entering the period of interest are przekwitania.Szczególnie phytoestrogens, which act in plants that samąfunkcję as estrogens in the human body. Similarity to estrogen przestrzennejfitohormonów construction makes them join znajdującymisię receptors in the skin, mimicking their action in tissues. Pozaoddziaływaniem Phytohormones receptors specific for the human hormones, are characterized by strong siębardzo antioxidant properties. Fullness They wolnychrodników role of scavengers, inhibit cell mutations, antineoplastic work. Thanks tymwłaściwościom, externally applied cosmetics to prevent oxidation iuszkodzeniu cell membranes, the slow action of enzymes, such as fiber supporting kolagenezyrozkładającej dermis. Show iprzeciwzapalne soothing. Phytohormones are also used in preparations modelującychowal face, because it prevents the accumulation of fat in okolicachdolnej eyelid, chin and cheeks. Some of them are used wspecyficznych preparations, such as firming bust.

westradiol rich plants are: onions, broccoli, cabbage, chicory, lucerne, clover, lupine, soybeans. Phytoestrogens are also wolejkodajnych herbs and spices: sage, licorice, anise, caraway, cyprysie, dill, thyme, bay leaf and rosemary. In aromaterapiinajbardziej known and most widely used for problems menopauzyjest sage oil. During menopause it is important to a diet rich wwyżej listed vegetables, particularly soya (recommended mlekasojowego 200 ml per day), use spices, fruits and olive oil to use in the kitchen zoliwek, which is the transporter of calcium from food into the body, dziękidużej linoleic acid content (up to 15%), which protects and prevents osteoporozie.Fitohormony are also found in dill, baziach willow, wheat germ, rice .

medication without a prescription

Industry farmaceutycznywytwarza numerous preparations containing phytoestrogens - both jakomonopreparaty and specific complex in different medical forms, statements or encapsulated główniepłynnych dry extracts. Najczęściejstosowanymi plants are those that contain the most hormonally aktywnychzwiązków.

most rozpowszechnionesą soy preparations (drug Soyfem and supplements Doppelherz AKTIV-Meno, Climagyn, FEMESTRA, MENOCAPS, MENOPLANT SOY-A 40 + ) .
interesting plant is pluskwica annual growth. Worthy podkreśleniajest that extracts from the work pluskwicy more selectively than soy (estrogen stimulation niepowodują uterus). Examples of formulations zawierającychpluskwicę are REMIFEMIN drug and supplement KLIMAKTOBON .
wymienionychroślin an alternative to the extracts of flax, licorice, broccoli, pomegranates, or in preparations czerwonejkoniczyny FEMAPAUSE, Mabelle .
P odobne action mająrośliny less known in Poland, like maca (formulation: + BIOSELEN MACA), a Chinese plant kudzu (preparations: Kudzu ROOT, KUDZUCAPS ).

diet rich in phytoestrogens

suplementacjąpreparatami addition to the pharmacy fitoestrgeny we can deliver to the body, stosującodpowiednią diet. Unfortunately, Europe is consumed foods rich wfitoestrogeny few (usually less than 5 mg of isoflavones), meanwhile, dziennezapotrzebowanie of isoflavones for menopausal women is 40 - 45mg.
fitoestrogenyprodukty rich, of course, soybeans, and the preparations sojowe takie jak olej sojowy ilecytyna nie zawierają fitoestrogenów. Sporą zawartość odnotowano w orzechach,nasionach lnu, słonecznika i sezamu, dyni oraz cukinii, brokułach, czosnku imarchwi, a także w roślinach cytrusowych i jagodowych.

Dieta azjatycka

Szczególnie bogata w produktysojowe dieta azjatycka, służy mieszkankom tego kontynentu. Badaniaepidemiologiczne pokazują, że dieta sojowa (zawartość izoflawonów średnio 20 -100 mg/d) prowadzi do znacznego obniżenia ryzyka nowotworów hormone (such as breast cancer resulting from the overproduction of estrogen) orazzmniejszenia risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Also homeopathy

homeopathic preparations used in climacteric symptoms, it Sepia, Graphites, Lachesis, Cimicifuga .
wszystkimpamiętać It should be about other ancillary treatments in the menopausal period: natural food iurozmaicone (recommended vegetable and fruit salads, juices, blended beverages zzieleniną), physical exercise and movement to appropriate health, herbal baths in the home, the gentle massage of total or partial, some facials, body dry brushing or bathing, supplementation of bioelements in the body, particularly magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, soluble silica, potassium (Schindele'a micronutrients).

Andropause - "menopausal" men

J ak mentioned, they are not tylkokobiety menopause. Also, men have "climacteriumvirile, called andropause. Decreases the production of male steroid hormone testosterone wjądrach, affecting the physical development of male characteristics ipsychicznych, and the production by the adrenal glands sterydowegodehydrospiandrosteronu (DHEA). This hormone is iprzeciwstarzeniową immune activity, controls the course of age-related changes, zmniejszazagrożenie atherosclerosis, increases the activity of insulin, suppresses allergic reactions and ichobjawy and - especially important - restores balance in układzieimmunologicznym. Low levels of DHEA in the body causes sexual dysfunction, loss, muscle weakness or memory loss, the appearance of symptomówdegeneracyjnych and lowering the overall resistance. These remarks apply also to women sięzresztą. Doctors say that men period of "retuning" of hormones in the elderly is less acute than ukobiet. There is also so strongly associated with age biological adolegliwości are rather combined with the general aging of the organism and tempemtego process. Probably the most difficult symptom adopted by male potency and efficiency jestobniżenie gender, whose background is very complex hormone audział here is only partial.

phytosanitary COMPLEX - prescription drug in capsules

To przeciwdziałaniaobjawom associated with both menopause and andropause, have developed a preparation FITOSCOMPLEX. It contains in its composition:
0.01 g Dehydroepiandrosteron
Reishi extract ; ; 0.40 g
Nettle Root ; 0.33 g
fireweed extract 0.20 g
Measure ingredients:
Dehydroepiandrosterone - (DHEA) is a natural hormone produced wnadnerczach and released into the blood. DHEA is formed under natural conditions zcholesterolu. It is an inactive substance used in the synthesis hormonówpłciowych. In such tissues as the prostate gland, skeletal muscle, bone, and in men are n is converted into androgens , au women - to estradiol . DHEA deficiency may be przyczynąniekorzystnych phenomena associated with aging like for example:
- weakness of memory, intellectual ability, ability to concentrate,
- malaise idepresja
- ifizyczne mental ailments related to the period of andropause in men
- reduced muscle strength, fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome
- reduced resistance nastres
- decrease libido izmniejszenie efficiency sexual
- obesity, insulin resistance zmniejszonawrażliwość, which can cause diabetes
- atherosclerosis
- sleep disorders
- lowered immunity organizmuna viral and bacterial infections
Complement deficiency DHEAmoże counteract the above-mentioned processes and phenomena, and efekciepoprawiać health status and quality of life of aging people. High blood stężeniaDHEA usually associated are of lower risk of death, and because szczególnościzgonu cardio - vascular diseases.

medicinal mushroom in Japan Reishi has been used for thousands of years in leczeniuprzeróżnych chronic diseases. It is called the mushroom of immortality. Najnowszebadania research confirms the effectiveness of this remarkable fungus. its antitumor activity. Countries such as Japan and Reishi mushroom Austriauznały as an anticancer agent. It is used in leczeniunowotworów breast, uterus, prostate, stomach, kidney, liver, pancreas, brain, esophagus, throat, lung, colon and leukemia. Reishi is also skutecznymlekiem in therapy of atherosclerosis, arrhythmia and hypertension. Reduces poziomcholesterolu, triglycerides and blood sugar. Regular intake REISHIzapobiega clots, which can cause hemorrhage domózgu. The studies carried out on patients suffering from diabetes (type II) showed the properties to assist in treating this disease. This fungus is recommended sięosobom suffering from anxiety, insomnia, living with stress or fatigue wstanach. It is particularly recommended during menopause iandropauzy.
Wierzbownica elephants and root nettle - infection is countered by the układumoczowego, for which women are exposed during menopause. In men chroniąprostatę.

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tematdziałania further information and purchase options COMPLEX phytosanitary formulation can be obtained numeremtelefonu:

Mgr farms. Tomasz Mrozowski-tel. 692 784 978 (after it dz.16.00)


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