Thursday, May 19, 2011

Internet Radio Bpm Studio

Bad breath - stench ex ore, halitosis - a problem all of us

Bad Breath
holidays, in which, seemingly, no taboo subjects, the issue is still not nieświeżegooddechu raised during social conversations. But who, for once, did not feel embarrassed because of the smell of your mouth?

is a symptom, not disease!

bad breath, professionally known as stench ex ore, or halitosis, is a problem that we all meet on a daily basis. It may relate to ourselves, our loved ones or people with którymistykamy at work, school or office.

large part of us does not feel unpleasant odor from their mouths, and those who matter zdająsobie it, treat it as an unpleasant and embarrassing ailment, or as an incurable disease of unknown cause.

Bad breath is not a disease but a symptom. What we feel jakoprzykrą odor from the mouth, are volatile sulfur compounds. Reason for this state of affairs should be determined by the order wpierwszej dentist, because until the 87% of cases the cause lies in the mouth. Much less reason to look stanunależy systemic diseases.

The decay

fundamental role in maintaining oral health hygiene plays. Up to 31% of cases, bad breath and gingivitis are schorzeniaprzyzębia, the most common cause lies in the improper hygiene.

Sometimes these disorders are characterized putrid odor. Therefore, in order to eliminate bad breath, you should first wyleczyćwszelkie carious cavities, inflammation of the mucous membrane and chorobyprzyzębia. Attention should be paid to the proper hygiene of dentures. Acrylic, zjakiego restorations are performed, is a porous material, naktórego surface, in the case of poor hygiene, and develop strains of bacteria, which are also the source of odor

the language

If, after the treatment, dental bad breath ustnadal persists, you should pay attention to the dorsal surface of the tongue on it izgromadzony who raided the place of living bacteria.

rarely aware of the fact that proper oral hygiene obejmujerównież remove this raid. The latter is the most common miejscowąprzyczyną halitosis, acting ok.41% of cases. The simplest and therefore the razemnajbardziej effective method to combat its effects is a special language powierzchnigrzbietowej scraping scraper or a soft toothbrush. Czynnośćta leads to the removal of the language of a raid - the main source of odor.

helpful in this regard are also measures against bacteria accumulated najęzyku. They occur in the form of tablets, lozenges, dragees and rinses to ust.Wcześniejsze remove surface enhances the performance of these measures, by zmniejszenieilości raid and increase access to bacterial active agents.

causes of bad breath can be a lot

Chorobyogólnoustrojowe (chronic tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, atrophic rhinitis, acute gastritis, wrzódżołądka, infections, gastrointestinal diseases, liver, pancreas, - linked znieprawidłowym secretion of digestive juices, fasting, dehydration, high temperature) are a significant percentage of such ailments.
Zaburzeniametaboliczne , such as diabetes - abnormal blood sugar levels, causes powstanietzw. acidosis, and gases with a specific odor of acetone appear in powietrzuwydychanym.
Uremia - disruption to stop the body przemianybiałkowej products (such as urea).
Zukładu Respiratory: each floor may be infected. The presence of bacteria namigdałkach and throat, nose and paranasal sinuses brings up unpleasant zapachu.Towarzyszy this usually abundant and purulent runny nose, thick mucus runs down tylnejścianie throat or other symptoms are present infection of the large intensity oddechowego.Szczególnie smell in the morning, at night when wydzielinagromadzi in greater quantity.
Zinnych diseases - cancer in advanced stage of disease, various metabolic wrodzonechoroby associated with the formation of abnormal substances (Np.fenyloketonuria), pulmonary disease, are responsible for the unpleasant odor.
Still other causes are dyscrasia gut flora - such as food or grzybicaprzewodu anaerobic infection causes both gases in exhaled air as itzw. smelly wind and abdominal distension.

Tablet nachwilę

About how serious the problem is bad breath, still rosnącenakłady provide various types of mouth fresheners, lozenges, chewing gum or sprays. These characteristics and the effects of the action jedyniedoraźne are visible only to about 2 hours after użyciu.Okazuje to be equally effective is to eat any food, which reduces or even eliminates odor in the similar period of time.


Another phenomenon is called. halitosa morning, bad breath siętuż appears after a dream and appearing in a large part of society. Is caused by the secretion of saliva onzmniejszonym during sleep. Saliva, teeth, and thanks mechanicznemuomywaniu content antibacterial components contributes doeliminacji odor. In a situation of reduced wydzielaniadochodzi to the accumulation of bacterial flora and to initiate procesówgnilnych. After brushing odor disappears.

helping technology

Unfortunately proper oral hygiene does not always help, so named wymyślonourządzenie Halimetrem. It is used to analyze the gases contained in wydychanympowietrzu, from which you can determine precisely what causes nieprzyjemnyzapach.

test is very simple: you can insert into the mouth for a few moments specjalnejsondy, similar to an ordinary thermometer, which transmits the data to be collected komputera.Następnie also a sample of bacterial flora, which is examined microscopically siępod. After this test, the doctor may decide on further treatment.

If cause of odor problems are stomatologicznelub problems associated with internal organs, the patient is directed doodpowiedniego specialist. However, if the odor caused by bacteria jestprzez withdrawn, the doctor may suggest a patient specjalnąkurację inter alia by taking coenzyme Q10, specjalnychziołowych tablets and vitamin C and the use of special urządzeniasłużącego for thorough cleaning of the mouth and tongue.

Pharmacology in removing bad breath

Wusuwaniu bad breath is used preparations containing zinc organic . It comes in response zezwiązkami sulfur, such as hydrogen sulphide, arising in the oral cavity and odpowiedzialnymiza odor. Removal of the cause of bad breath occurs ciągukilku minutes effect lasts for several hours. Furthermore cynkjest a vital micronutrient. He participates in many processes metabolicznychw skin and connective tissue. Substitution of zinc is indicated przytrądziku, excessive hair and brittle nails, impaired regeneration skóryoraz low resistance to infection.
Zaletącynku organic is that it contains chelates. Natural chelates, minerals, which are compounds with amino acids are well przyswajalneprzez body. Acceptance of minerals in the form zwiększastopień their absorption by the body for up to 10 times. This is fundamentalneznaczenie health, because it is the mineral most important zapewniająprawidłowe functioning systems in the body, helping wwytwarzaniu energy, participate in the production of hormonal compounds, enzymes and blood. Traditional supplements vitamin deficiencies iskładników minerals usually contain compounds that have yet to turn into procesietrawienia chelates. For many people a natural process chelatowaniajest inefficient, their bodies absorb only a small portion składnikówwchodzących used in the composition of the supplements.

Helpful preparations:

AGARDIN PLUS with honey and lemon 16 CHIP . U efficient operation of the mucosa of the throat and larynx, ograniczapodrażnienia oral mucosa. Is recommended in autumn and winter, in the case of frequent abuse of the voice or presence in air-conditioned, or smoky wpomieszczeniach. Contained in tablet extracts of sage and marshmallow zziół work inflammation and relieve hoarseness. Crushed peppermint extract and menthol disinfecting effect and freshens breath. Honey and zwitaminą C shows the effect of soothing the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, antioxidant, and supports immunity .

AIR LIFT GOOD BREATH 10KAPSUŁEK, 40 capsules. Conference Capsules niwelująnieprzyjemny smell from the mouth.

AJONA CONCENTRATE FOR TEETH 6 ML, 25 ML . K oncentrat the teeth on bleeding gums and periodontal disease.

BAIKADENT, LIQUID 260 G . Wyciągz skullcap has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and soothing: irritations, abrasions and hypersensitivity szyjekzębowych. prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis, aphthae, thrush, erosion, pressure sores after the ill-fitting dentures; płytkinazębnej reduction, it is particularly difficult to reach areas a toothbrush, removing nieprzyjemnegozapachu paragraph.

BAIKADENT, GEL 15 G . Including the espółflawonów isolated from skullcap roots containing 65% bajkalin . Anti-inflammatory activity is based on hamowaniusyntezy cellular inflammatory mediators (interleukins, leukotrienes, prostaglandins) and the stimulation of fibroblast activity in the cells dziąseł.Ponadto syndrome is characterized by the activity of flavones antimicrobial (mainly on gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus - Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus mutans and other pathogenic bacteria such as Preyotella intermedia, Bacteroides melaninogenicus intermedius formerly isolated from the oral cavity chorychcierpiących chronic inflammation of the oral mucosa) and antifungal (especially Candida albicans).

BEAUTY Formulas-ACTIVE WHITENING LIQUID mouthwash 500 ML. Redukujekamień plaque, helps restore the natural whiteness of teeth. Helps protect przedchorobami periodontitis, gingivitis and dental caries. It fights bacteria powodującenieświeży breath.

BIOTENE PŁYN DO PŁUKANIA UST 250 ML. Zawierakompleks enzymów, które zapewniają ochronę antybakteryjną; nie zawiera alkoholu,detergentów, czy silnych substancji smakowych.  

CYNK ORGANICZNY NATURTABS FRESH MINT 50 TABLETEK .Preparat nie zawiera cukru, a zawarty w tabletkachksylitol chroni zęby przed próchnicą. Preparat zapobiega infekcjom i przerywajuż toczące się zakażenia gardła. Inhibits the entry of viruses into cells nabłonkagardła and the development of bacterial flora, which is the source of overgrowth.

ORGANIC ZINC 1950 Page. FOR SUCKING (Biokraft Pharma)


DENTOVIT 50 lozenges menthol-flavored. With awierakompozycję natural ingredients: algae (alga Laminaria), malic acid, zinc, and xylitol. These ingredients have a positive impact on the processes zachodzącew mouth. Help reduce the harmful effects of bacteria and hamujątworzenie and plaque deposition. Have also very korzystnywpływ on the state of the gums, reducing bleeding.

-HALL WITH 50 TABLETS DOSSANIA - FRESH BREATH. With awartyw preparation link zinc binding sulfur compounds responsible zapowstawanie bad breath and neutralizes them.

L'ANGELICA - NATURALNAPASTA FOR DENTAL FRESH BREATH 75 ML . contains: thyme - właściwościoczyszczające and combat bad breath mint - a refreshing and toning properties, basil - soothing properties, protective and perfumujące .

LISTERINE STAY WHITE LIQUID mouthwash USTNEJ500 ML . zawieranaturalne liquid formula oils: eucalyptus, menthol and thymol, and zinc chloride, crystallization któryprzeciwdziała plaque tartar, so zębyzachowują their natural whiteness.

LISTERINE TOTAL CAREENAMEL GUARD LIQUID mouthwash 250 ML . rebuilds and wzmacniaszkliwo, which helps protect teeth against decay, even in trudnodostępnychmiejscach. Repairs weakened before the start of tooth decay. Usuwabakterie in the mouth, reduces plaque from interdental iodświeża breath. Increases resistance to acid attacks and reduces the risk erozjiszkliwa.

Mastika 60 CAPSULES . Zawieranaturalną resin (Mastika) from the Pistacia lentiscus tree growing on greckiejwyspie Chios. For thousands of years are known properties of this resin, which the gastro-intestinal zapobiegadyskomfortowi, in particular worganizmie associated with the presence of Helicobacter pylori. Mastika also allows for the reduction of "bad breath" and provides improved oral hygiene.

Meridol halitosis, DOPŁUKANIA LIQUID ORAL WITHOUT ALCOHOL, 400 ML . with fight the cause of the smell of paragraph potrójnemumechanizmowi through action: deactivate bacteria are powierzchnijęzyka and mouth, neutralises the malodorous compounds, redukujemetabolizm bacteria responsible for unpleasant odor.


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