ALERGOSTABIL prescription drug with antiallergic activity
Alergostabil preparation is a bio-nutritional supplement, which contains an excerpt Mushroom L entinula edodes (Shi edible) and antiallergic substance loratadine. This combination działaprewencyjnie and therapeutically in allergy. Lekprzygotowywany by hand, mix ingredients in a mortar and scatter dokapsułek starch. Applies to 2 capsules daily, every 12 hours.
Lentinula edodes extract 0.50 g
Loratadine ; ; 0.01 g
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allergies jestnadmierną system response immune. When you are exposed to the allergen ran, then the body receives signals that are forcing him to obrony.Reakcja allergic hypersensitivity is the result of the immune system, which skutkujekichaniem or difficulty in breathing. They can also occur wypryskialergiczne and other skin reactions. Some fungi is used to relieve allergy symptoms ileczeniu by restoring proper immune reakcjiukładu. "Numerous scientific studies have shown that fungi witalnetrwale stimulate, strengthen and greatly affect the human system is therefore well odpornościowy.Z suited to regulate the work systemimmunologiczny hypersensitive allergies.
Furthermore, in some species of fungi (eg wodmianie Reishi) appear trójperteny, ie substances that can redukowaćprodukcję histamine in allergy. In the process of allergic reactions, it is causing such jejuwolnienie anaphylaxis, asthma, urticaria, katarsienny. Trójperteny suppresses the production of histamine in the body, prevent allergic wystąpieniureakcji.
Furthermore, in some species of fungi (eg wodmianie Reishi) appear trójperteny, ie substances that can redukowaćprodukcję histamine in allergy. In the process of allergic reactions, it is causing such jejuwolnienie anaphylaxis, asthma, urticaria, katarsienny. Trójperteny suppresses the production of histamine in the body, prevent allergic wystąpieniureakcji.
Measure ingredients:
preparation Alergostabil extract of the fungus L entinula edodes - t wardziak Dining of awiera międzyinnymi polysaccharides with antitumor, antiviral activity and immunostymulacyjnym substances, lowering blood poziomcholesterolu. Next lentynamicynęB with the effect of antibiotic, derywatykwasów nucleic , leucine, lysine , ergosterol, which blocks the unwanted formation of blood vessels, odżywiającychnowotwory. Ponadto ponad 50 enzymów (pepsyna, trypsyna, asparaginaza), terpenoidy,polifenole, witaminy grupy B – B1, B2, B6 i B12, witaminę C, dużą ilość witaminyD2, organiczny potas, wapń, fosfor, sód, żelazo, miedź, mangan, cynk, german iinne minerały . Posiada działanie przeciwgrzybiczne na Candidaalbicans. Wspiera rozpad kamieni żółciowych, ochrania wątrobę i nerki przeddziałaniem różnych substancji chemicznych. Chroni wątrobę i stymuluje obronnelimfocyty T oraz czynność makrofagów, które są ważne dla układuimmunologicznego and for our protection against microorganisms. Pozytywniewpływa for myopia, pneumonia, skin diseases, eczema orazalergie. Regulates the level of testosterone in the body. has przeciwgrzybicznedziałanie and TNF (from English tumor necrosis factor - tumor necrosis factor), działanieantyoksydacyjne - destroys free radicals, slows cell aging iochrania genetic information of cells. The extract is used równoleglez radiotherapy and chemotherapy during treatment of oncological and obniżaon their side effects.
Alkaloid eritadeninaobniża cholesterol.
Lentinian administered in vivo in a dose three times wdwudniowym 1mg/1kg intervals showed a protective effect against Mycobacteriumtuberculosis (TB).
Shi Dining stimulates the body to produkcjiinterferonu alpha range. Interferon alfa acts against the virus of smallpox, interferongama against cancer and hepatitis B and C virus inhibits Vesicularstomatitis, encephalitis, adenovirus, influenza A virus, herpes viruses imyksowirusy. The extract works against the influenza virus A / SW 15th
1,3-β-D-glucans enhance macrophage and thus restore the immune response and the response not only against HIV but also against infection, which occurs at osłabionymorganizmie. Beta-glucans enhance the effects of medication antymikrobialnych, suchas antibiotics and antiparasitic products przeciwpleśniowe. This sposóbmożna improve the effect of traditional treatment, or in the case of classical choróbobniżać effective doses of drugs.
Antiparasitic Activity: increases resistance against parasites protozoalnym Schisostomajapanicum and Schisostoma mansoni.
Loratadine other ingredients Alergostabil is a long-acting lekiemprzeciwhistaminowym II generation, a selective antagonist of peripheral receptorówH1. Does not exhibit anticholinergic or depressive action on the CNS (not powodujesedacji, cognitive impairment, or psychomotor skills). Do not work on serotonin, or adrenergic . In vitro influences the inflammatory cells of allergic reaction . It has weak bronchodilator effect, blocks the histamine-induced bronchospasm in patients with asthma , reduces exercise skurczoskrzeli.
Our body jeststale threatened to attack germs, fungi, pollen, allergens. In organizmieznajdują the receptors that are responsible for the destruction of innociał. Zdarzasię, however, that the attacker jestodporny allergen and then begin to operate cells called mast. It stimulates a zgłównych components, called histamine. It is released when the body zadziałajakiś allergen.
Histamine jestmediatorem itching, accompanied and exacerbated symptoms of inflammation of the skin-allergy. Frees was also affected by chemical, physical and biochemicznych.Dzięki receptors affects cell. Contact niegroźnymalergenem apparently causes great damage in the body. Overproduction of histamine powodujerozszerzanie the blood vessels, which in turn leads to the effusions of blood doorganizmu. Those associated with effusion are dyspnea attacks czyobrzęków lungs and trachea. Thus, apnea attacks in allergic patients. Maybe doprowadzićrównież to cardiovascular problems. Histamine-time alarm powodujewzmożone secretion of digestive juices and muscle spasms, which leads dobiegunki and so. food allergy. As you can see, histamine has a protective effect for our body, but also causes enormous damage, often life-threatening pacjenta.Stąd need antihistamine treatment.
Loratadine maza job blocking these receptors, which are responsible for produkcjęhistaminy. This is to prevent the emergence of such effects allergic sneezing, eczema , watery eyes. Formation is teżzablokowane itch. But even the best antihistamines are not able to completely usunąćhistaminy assigned to a particular receptor. It is therefore important permanent and regularnestosowanie preparation.
The effect Alergostabil appears popodaniu 30 min. Consumption of food may increase drug absorption by approximately 40% and stężenieaktywnego metabolite may be increased by about 15%. Lekuwystępuje maximum effect 4-6 h after administration and lasts for about 24 h. Steady state ustalasię after 5 days of treatment. Alergostabil involves 97% to plasma proteins. Poorly penetrates the CNS. Is metabolized by liver cytochrome P-450 - CYP 3A4 and CYP 2D6. Głównymczynnym metabolite is dekarboetoksyloratadyna (dezloratadyna) którapowoduje prolonged effect of the drug. Approximately 80% of the dose is excreted in form of an HCl metabolites in urine and faeces up to 10 days after administration.
Indications: Yearly lubsezonowy allergic rhinitis, idiopathic przewlekłapokrzywka, allergy symptoms. Treatment of symptoms of allergic zapaleniaspojówek (itching and pieczeniaoczu). Administration (along with other drugs) is also beneficial in the treatment of sinusitis ostregozapalenia (indication registered in Poland). Alergostabil stosowanyprofilaktycznie during pollination sezonowegoalergicznego reduces symptoms of allergic rhinitis and increasing the number of days free from symptoms .
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