Summer is fast approaching ... We begin to shed their clothes ... We look in the mirror, console that is not so bad ... But deep down inside we dream of a beautiful silhouette ... Hinder us pendulous bellies, fat legs and arms ... Yes ... I know the pain ... I lost weight 27 kg. It is true that I was unwanted helper - diabetes. But within two months my body burn the whole, huge fat reserve, he could not cope with carbohydrates, so he took to be fat. And though I have diabetes, I take insulin, I feel healthier than many teens. Now I keep a diet, holidays, not Christmas ... I provide the body with about 1500 cal I count them .. I learned to fight the feeling of hunger. Morning and evening, about 500 cal At lunchtime, about 600-800 cal
want to lose weight - Calories count , Put away the old habits, habits. I spent many years as the pharmacy, so. the first table, which is a popular counter. My experience is - all medicines fail, any diet will be ineffective if they do not stop to eat excessively. Beyond what is necessary. Men lose beer, Lord of the dough. these are all unnecessary calories. The human body This precision machine, it adopts what he needed, part rejects, and the rest put aside. so formed adipose tissue.
need to count calories. Personally, from 7 months I do not eat bread at all. I excluded them from the daily diet. Effect (from sedentary to moderate traffic) - height 180, weight 178 kg!. To this day bellies and ears. Without nutritional regime makes no mention of any weight loss. .
will now be a little scientific, but actually generates the obesity disease.
In European MONICA study showed that the criterion otyłościosiągnęło 22% women and 15% of men overweight criterion met while over half the population of Europe. Polish research Opublikowaneniedawno POL-MONICA BIS showed obesity in Europe dlacałej comparable numbers of women and men.
conducted in the U.S. in the years 1988 to 1994 NHANES II survey (National Health and Nutrition) have demonstrated that the problem of obesity concerns znaczniewiększej population, met the criterion for obesity, because 25% of women i20% of men with this that approximately 5.1% of the population turned out to be giant (BMI> 40kg / m 2 ).
recent study published in 2004 reported that 67% of the population USAponad characterized by overweight and obesity over 30%. People teprócz obesity are often also the other elements of the metabolic syndrome: hypertension, hyperlipidemia, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes. AT THE TIME, it should be przująć that in more than two thirds of society increases ryzykoprzewlekłych metabolic diseases.
Obesity is determined by many factors metabolic, endocrinological, genetic, environmental, and psychological ibeahwioralnymi.
Obesity is secondary and in some chorobachendokrynologicznych, organic diseases of the hypothalamus, the zespołachuwarunkowanych genetically.
Obesity also occurs after iatrogenic reasons stosowaniuleków, such as neuroleptics, antidepressants and anticonvulsants, sedatives, steroids, beta-blockers, and lekiprzeciwcukrzycowe - insulin and some sulfonylureas.
Remember, this is a very important that adipose tissue is not a mere energy depot , aleteż active participant and the modulator not only its own metabolism, aleprzede all the key factor involved in metabolizmieenergetycznym vital organs such as brain, muscle (mięsieńsercowy) and the liver.
lifestyle and dieting
best example of how wielemożna achieved through simple zmianom w trybie życia, są Finowie. W latach 70.mieli największą śmiertelność spowodowaną chorobami serca. Kampania na rzeczzdrowego trybu życia i właściwejdiety odniosła wspaniały skutek, bo teraz statystyki są zupełnie inne, aprzeciętna długość życia w Finlandii wzrosła o 10 lat.
Tajowie – ich sekretemsą ostre przyprawy, które przyspieszają przemianę materii i pomagają spalićwięcej kalorii.
Szwajcaria z kolei poleca muesli, sycące na długo, pełnebłonnika i wartościowych składników odżywczych.
Brazil - the country's jadasię rice and beans almost every meal, which reduces the risk of obesity by 14%!
Dutch - eat a lot of herring. What gain? Omega-3 fatty acids, reduced stress and insulin poziomhormonu.
India, Finland and the Netherlands - the place ruch.Joga, walk (or with sticks - Nordic walking), cycling ...
French -long sit at the table and talk. It is, surprisingly, makes them less (iprzyjemniej to live).
Poles - eat what you prepare yourself at home, and tozwykle is a lot less calories than the meals offered in restaurants lubgotowe.
"Adjuvant" slimming
In the pharmacy there are many substances in the form suplementówdiety, recommended as helpful in fighting excess body tłuszczowej.Większość of them to promise "miracles" - weight loss without diet restrictions, physical bezwzmożonego etc. Their work is rather a pious życzeniaproducentów than scientifically study the pharmacological effects. Substances are, however, actually help in weight loss. Which of them wykazujądziałanie slimming?
L-carnitine - dosubstancji witaminopodobnych counts. In the body is synthesized from lysine imetioniny. For the synthesis of carnitine, amino acids are needed in addition to iron, vitamin C, PP and B 6 . In humans, the synthesis occurs in the kidney, liver and brain. The compound is worganizmie as two isomers: D & L - active
exhibits biological activity only as L-carnitine and wtej form should be administered orally as a supplement. Its main source is wpokarmie meat and dairy products. Role of L-carnitine for weight loss reliance that transports fatty acids into the mitochondria ("energy storage"), where they undergo changes, resulting in a energy. UdziałL-carnitine in the stimulation of fatty acid metabolic zwiększao about 70% of their use as an energy source. Intensifying processes spalaniakwasów acids, L-carnitine inhibits the formation of fatty tissue, and tymsamym the development of obesity and atherosclerosis. Following its action reduces caloric sięzapotrzebowanie and improves tolerance to effort.
Green Tea - increases energy expenditure, fat burning iaktywuje. Catechins in green tea (EGCG epigallocatechin-gallate) inhibit both growth and proliferation komórektłuszczowych. EGCG may reduce the already existing fat and hamowaćtworzenie a new one.
Conjugated acid linoleic acid (CLA-Conjugated Linoleic Acid) - is a mixture of different isomers będącychnaturalnymi varieties of one of the fatty acids - linoleic acid.
Najpowszechniejwystępujące and best known are the isomers cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10-12 orazcis. The source of CLA is primarily milk and meat of ruminant animals (eg cattle), in which CLA is formed in the rumen from linoleic acid into wpływemdziałania bacteria (Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, among others). Highest dotychczasstężenie CLA found in meat ... kangaroos.
Studies zwierzętachwskazują that CLA effectively reduces body fat mass, zwiększawrażliwość insulin decreases blood glucose levels, has działanieantykancerogenne and positive impact on people with schorzeniamimiażdżycowymi. Conjugated linoleic acid is applied to diabetics, people znowotworami, with hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, as well as weight loss izmniejszaniu fat mass. There are many studies on the efficacy of CLA zwierzętachpotwierdzających in case of loss of excessive kilogramówi reduce body fat. This information was the reason zainteresowanianaukowców whether CLA will have a similar effect in humans. Was therefore made on grupie52 patients (35 women and 17 men) with a BMI between 25 and 35 kg/m2. Subjects received a dose of CL: 1.7, 3.4, 5.1 or 6.8 g / day or placebo (9 g olive oil) for 12 weeks. After 12tygodniach CLA group (daily dose of 3.4 g ) was tkankitłuszczowej weight (body fat mass - BFM) with 1.73 kg in group CLA - 6.8 g a day - about zmniejszenieBFM 1.3 kg.
Look in pharmacy preparations containing these ingredients .
Finally, a mention about the advertised preparation Alli. It contains a substance called orlistat , which operates on the pharmacy market for many years. Including her preparation Xenical which you can buy only on medical prescription.
Orlistat is a drug that reduces body weight by hamowaniawchłaniania fat from the gastrointestinal tract. As is known, the neutral fats are pożywieniemprzyjmowane, forming esters of glycerol with kwasamitłuszczowymi. In the duodenum and jejunum following their digestion iwchłanianie. This process takes place due to the presence of bile acids, coenzymes enzyme. The key role played by the enzyme - Pancreatic lipase, which powodujehydrolizę triglycerides to monoglycerides and fatty acid release, they tłuszczowych.Wnikają into enterocytes, where they are re-esterified dotriglicerydów. In terms physiological process is very efficient itylko 5% of ingested fat excreted in the feces. Under the influence of stosowaniaorlistatu comes to inhibit the hydrolysis of triglycerides, which makes częśćspożytych fat (about 30% ) is absorbed not only eliminated . Therapeutic efficacy of orlistat was evaluated in a study conducted in the U.S. Europiei. It was shown that a drug used in the daily dose of 360 mg (3 tablets of 120mg), in combination with low-calorie diet ( 1200 kcal, 30% of energy from fat, 50% carbohydrates and 20% Protein ) causes weight loss from 7.9 to 10.2% . It is worth noting that in patients who, during the initial 12 tygodnileczenia achieved weight loss of more than 5%, is found in the dalszejterapii significantly larger loss in body weight compared with those who wanalogicznym start of treatment lost weight below 5%. Ponadtoprzeprowadzono study on the usefulness of the drug in maintaining uzyskanychrezultatów. After completion of the ongoing 52 weeks of treatment with diet niskokalorycznąi orlistat, a diet advised test-takers covering zapotrzebowanieenergetyczne in combination with orlistat, a daily dose of 360 mg (3 tablets po120 mg) or 180 mg (1.5 tablets of 120 mg). After years of observation have shown żeosoby receiving orlistat on weight came significantly less compared zosobami not receiving the drug.
Orlistat administered at a dose of 360 mg daily for a period of 8tygodni, lowers total cholesterol by 10% and LDL - cholesterol O11%. In addition, the drug effectively lowers blood pressure, both systolic irozkurczowe when body weight decreases by more than 5%.
result of orlistat is increased fat excretion in feces. Właśnieten mechanism is responsible as emerging during therapy objawyniepożądane. These are loose stools, straining, bloating and spotting tłuszczowe.Występują are primarily in people who consume a diet containing 30% fat większejniż. These symptoms are more troublesome at the beginning of the treatment of obesity with orlistat leczenia.Podczas was also investigated whether treatment niezubaża slimming the body in fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and beta-carotene. Not shown, however, that the levels of these vitamins decreased poniżejnormy, during an annual and years of therapy. There was also caused bypreparat risk of developing cholelithiasis, kamicypiersiowej or breast cancer.
orlistat does not apply in malabsorption syndrome, in the case of cholestasis, in pregnancy and lactation. It should not be podawaćłącznie with cyclosporine, because it causes the interaction.
result of orlistat is increased fat excretion in feces. Właśnieten mechanism is responsible as emerging during therapy objawyniepożądane. These are loose stools, straining, bloating and spotting tłuszczowe.Występują are primarily in people who consume a diet containing 30% fat większejniż. These symptoms are more troublesome at the beginning of the treatment of obesity with orlistat leczenia.Podczas was also investigated whether treatment niezubaża slimming the body in fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and beta-carotene. Not shown, however, that the levels of these vitamins decreased poniżejnormy, during an annual and years of therapy. There was also caused bypreparat risk of developing cholelithiasis, kamicypiersiowej or breast cancer.
orlistat does not apply in malabsorption syndrome, in the case of cholestasis, in pregnancy and lactation. It should not be podawaćłącznie with cyclosporine, because it causes the interaction.
dieting smart.
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