Flatulence are grupynajczęstszych gastrointestinal symptoms, sometimes accompanied by skurczejelit or painful colic. It happens that we feel as if we suddenly taliiprzybyło few centimeters. It is a sign that the intestine is nazbierały dużeilości gases. Another symptom of this ailment is so disagreeable. winds. Pierwszyobjaw sometimes annoying, sometimes painful, and the other very troublesome dlapacjenta. Many experts believe that bloating is spowodowaneniekompletnym digesting certain foods, food fermentation trakcietrawienia or aspiration with air during spożywaniaposiłku hasty. Reasons might be, however, much more. Look carefully iPod remedies.
bad and good bacteria
present in the gut bacteria are a major producer of gas, and their type depends primarily on diet, but also from some of the conditions in which florybakteryjnej change or substances present in the intestinal contents. In the large intestine żyjeolbrzymia bacteria. It is estimated that it is several hundred species and even stanowiąone 1 / 3 weight of stool. They are usually harmless to our health anawet have some beneficial role in breaking down undigested resztekpokarmowych. Some of these bacteria have a specific metabolism, which is the production końcowymproduktem aforementioned gaseous compounds. As many as 80 to 90% of donated gas comes from the metabolism of these bacteria. Bacteria, któreprodukują gas "feed" mostly simple sugars and carbohydrates in the diet złożonymizawartymi. Thus, the recommendation of restricting the use or całkowitejeliminacji these carbohydrates from your diet can create gas radykalniezmniejszyć. Manufacture of gas depends on also on individual sensitivity naniektóre foods. Therefore, the volume of donated greenhouse in people którespożyły the same amount of carbohydrates the same may be significantly różnić.Wzdęcie may also occur in people with impaired gastric emptying, gastroparesis conosi name. Dlategolekarze often recommend enforcement in such cases, endoscopic examination rentgenowskiegolub upper gastrointestinal tract. Wzdęciawystępują Sometimes in the course of digestive disorders or malabsorption of food and treatments poniektórych operating within the abdominal cavity. In such sytuacjachodpowiednie treatment made by a physician. We do not know why the feeling of bloating (fullness, swelling) occurs in women znacznieczęściej . Distension is usually caused nieprawidłowymiskurczami stomach and intestines. Some significance may also be sagging (zbytsłabe voltage) of the abdominal muscles. Currently available drugs that regulate pracęmięśni stomach and intestines, which reduces the feeling of fullness of the abdomen. It is worth ocenićilość episodes flatulence. The norm is about 9 - 17 times per day (maximum 21 times), although the symptoms also depend on the sensitivity of colorectal stretching, and this varies between individuals.
Other reasons
Flatulence linked with constipation or diarrhea zdarzająsię also a time of psychological tensions. When stabilizujesię life situation, work gastrointestinal tract is also back to normal. Gut feeling of overcrowding wprzewodzie feel too many women just before menstruation . It passes after ustaniukrwawienia. Excessive production of gas is often accompanied by illness określanejjako irritable bowel syndrome (a disease characterized by impaired coordination of contractions of intestinal peristalsis izaburzeniami). Flatulence can also be the result of diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, parasitic infections, such as lambliami.
How do you help
digestive ailments associated with the presence of gases are cumbersome and nieraztrudne to treatment. Patients complain of bloating feeling in addition to the belching, hiccups, and go gas, often smelly, which can be extremely embarrassing .
To alleviate the unpleasant symptoms, you should:
· follow a diet, refrain from eating rozdymających; ograniczyćilość intake of refined carbohydrates, sugars and artificial sweeteners wdziennej diet;
· meals eaten slowly, slowly, chewing thoroughly and sporządzaćich records and their own eating habits;
· avoid activities that cause air swallowing (conversation at meals, sucking hard candies, chewing gum);
· ruled drinking carbonated drinks, especially sweet, as well as beer, milk isłodkiego;
· ; should facilitate belching after meals by remaining in an upright position;
· put a warm compress on the abdomen. Heat works namięśnie intestinal relaxant, allowing gases to rapidly expel (the best is termoforowinięty in a towel);
· drink hot tea brewed from the herb teaspoon cumin, fennel, peppermint or anise (herbs, pour a glass of hot water and allow to stand for 15minutes to strain). You can also draw infusion of a mixture of these herbs zdodatkiem teaspoon valerian (valerian). This mixture does not only relaxant, but also soothing;
· drink peppermint tea with lemon juice;
· flavor hard to digest foods known in folk medicine środkamirozkurczowymi, ginger, cumin, marjoram, mint, fruit juniper
· try to drink a small glass of herbal tinctures, such as anyżówki (if mamyzupełnie healthy heart and liver);
· drink 30 drops of peppermint or gastric kieliszkuciepłej dissolved in water;
· do some relaxation exercises, such as relaxing the abdominal muscles, połączoneze calm, wdechami and long exhalations. They are particularly useful, are on the ground gdywzdęcia nerwicowym;
· avoid nervousness, haste, overexertion, (Latin festina lente - hurry slowly)
S prawdzona therapy developed by the author
(composition of the drug developed by the author)
Liśćkarczocha 90 mg
goals krwawnika ;
leaf peppermint ;
Fruit cumin
Lusk nasienna babki jajowatej 35 mg po
Age cynamonu
Kłącze kurkumy
Kłącze imbiru
Sylimaryna is 10 mg
; Korzeń kozłka ; 170mg
Szyszka chmielu
Liść melisy
goals serdecznika is 50 mg
Simeticon ; 40 mg
Składnikileku thoroughly crushed and mixed in a mortar, and then to kapsułekskrobiowych przesypuję . The drug removes flatulence and related complications. Zdecydowaniepoprawia digestion and liver functions. Działażółciotwórczo stimulates liver cells to increase wytwarzaniacholesterolu, and then converting it into bile acids, which are głównymiskładnikami bile. Relaxant effect on the gallbladder and drogiżółciowe, cholagogic, protects liver cells, lowers LDL (tzw.złego cholesterol). Simethicone works nagranicy surface of the liquid phase and gas in the intestine, reducing the tension powierzchniowei thereby enabling removal of gas from the digestive tract. Preparatprzynosi relief also in neurovegetative disorders of the stomach. It is zespółobjawów, called out the name irritable bowel syndrome. Towarzysząmu symptoms such as feeling of constant fatigue, sleep disorders, headaches, impaired concentration, anxiety, symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired appetite, heartburn, belching empty, tightness and expands wnadbrzuszu, sometimes vomiting, or intolerance of certain foods. Inneobjawy this team are: wet hands, speed up or slow czynnościserca, pressure spikes.
information on the drug farm mgr. TomaszMrozowski - 692 784 978
medicine is not available for individual aptekach.Przygotowywany telephone orders.
SATISFACTORY households can prepare the following mix of herbal, osprawdzonej effectiveness, which includes a number of years ago I made:
Objectives nostrzyka , 50 gram
Szyszka chmielu 50 gram
goals lebiodki 50 gram
Gram goals serdecznika 50
Kwiatostan Glogue 50 grams
celandine herb , 25 grams
Preparation: Mix the herbs in the proportion shown. The enamel dish pour 3 kopiastełyżki Table 3.5 cups water mixture at room temperature. Staranniewymieszać and under cover, at low heating bring to the boil, which should be maintained for 2 - 4 minutes, after heating to the decoction 5minutach strain into a thermos flask. Drink 3 cups of brew a day, half an hour before eating. Dregs of herbs that have been in the vessel after odcedzeniuodwaru, pour juice purchased in a pharmacy Birch Succus Betulae (2-3 bottles). Leave overnight, strain the morning back to your bottle. Drink 5 ml (teaspoon) three times a day. In case of the stronger contractions should take Buscopan tablets, the drug much more powerful and stronger renewal-Spy . Farmakologicznewsparcie - drugs without a prescription
With środkówfarmakologicznych recommend preparations that contain the composition dimethicone, simethicone, krzemuo compounds that reduce surface tension properties, herbs, plant extracts .
To meet the above mentioned warunkiproduktów are available without a prescription : Espumisan , EspumisanEasy , Esputicon , Ulgix , Disflatyl, Gasperitin , Gastrosil , Iberogast, HepasonComplex , Ulgamax .
Wśródpreparatów herbal teas are especially recommended to caraway fruit, fruit kopruwłoskiego, fruit, anise, basil and peppermint . Herbs tezawierają in its composition, the compounds of the properties wiatropędnych, niesprzyjającychfermentacji in the gastrointestinal digestion of food and supporting . Sąosoby, which in the case of these problems helps acting relaxant drug the digestive tract. For example, a drug takimjest preparation No-Spa, Galospa . If the bloating is so severe that cause pain in the abdomen możepomóc ingestion of this preparation. Stronger measure is Buscopan tablets. D gaped relaxant (spasmolytic) on smooth muscles przewodupokarmowego, biliary tract, and urogenital tract.
Herbal polecaneprzeze me in flatulence:
AMAROSAL syrup. Indicated in the lack of appetite, bloating and indigestion.
AROMATOL ethanolic solution. Recommended for ailments gastro - intestinal, circulatory disorders, insomnia, migraine, rheumatic pains, colds nerwobólachi.
CARVOFIT FIX herbs to brew in bags; trawieniapołączonych used in disorders with pain in the gastrointestinal tract, the feeling of fullness, flatulence.
DEGROSAN mieszankaziołowa brewing, the preparation used in disorders of the digestive process of food iprzyswajania manifested by bloating, abdominal pain, and constipation zmniejszonymłaknieniem. Also in obesity, intestinal atony, zmniejszonejtolerancji animal fats and vegetable oils. In the alternative, the niedoczynnościtarczycy, in atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, preventively tendency dotycia.
DEGROTEX-FIX herbs to brew in bags; Apply an adjunct wwadliwej metabolism, manifested by bloating, obesity, zaburzeniachwydzielania procedure, indigestion, eczema skin.
DIGESAN fluid extract alcohol, liquor contains about 40 herbs wielokierunkowymdziałaniu.
DIGESA - TONIC oral fluid; nieżytach indicated in the stomach and intestines, zaburzeniachruchowych digestive tract, indigestion, flatulence, bile zaburzeniachwydzielania by the liver. Powered cholagogic, anti iprzeciwskurczowo, regenerates liver parenchyma.
FITO - MIX VII brewing herbs, used in the alternative, such schorzeniachprzewodu tract, such as bloating, decreased appetite, gastritis, duodenal and intestinal difficulties in the digestion of fats and general nieprawidłowafermentacja.
GASTROVIT brewing herbs recommended in digestive disorders, bloating, pain stomach, heart burn.
GUTTAE STOMACHICAE (stomach drops) used in indigestion, bezsoczności, bloating, lack of appetite, spastic conditions in the stomach and pain, in the alternative kolceżołądkowej and liver.
HERBOGASTRIN oral fluid; formulation is used in digestive disorders of the stomach tleniedokwaśności, nieżytach stomach and intestines, excessive fermentation, bloating, gas accumulation, abdominal pain, lack of appetite. Also wzaburzeniach digestion in children and adolescents caused by such foods, nutrition errors, and in elderly patients with paresis of the intestines, zastojemżółci, weakening of activity of the pancreas, bile and proteolytic deficiency enzymówtrawiennych, as well as the difficulties associated with the digestion of fats and pokarmówzawierających protein.
HIPOTRAVEX brewing herbs, used for digestive disorders, liver disorders, nieżytach biliary tract, flatulence.
Benedictine Liquor recommended in inflammatory upper drógoddechowych, abdominal pain, bin, flatulence, digestive tract with stronyprzewodu in insomnia.
NEONORMOVIT herbs used in liver failure and reduced wydzielaniużółci with elevated cholesterol levels, reduces or removes stanyskurczowe in the digestive tract, restores normal gut motility ruchówperystaltycznych, slightly stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, helps the assimilation of food and prevent flatulence, has słabedziałanie diuretic, a little severe diarrhea.
TABLETS AGAINST indigestion apply the symptoms associated with disorders procesówtrawiennych, flatulence the weakening of the secretory activity of the stomach and liver in obesity.
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