Saturday, April 30, 2011

Whats The Difference Vinyl Or Pvc Tablecloth

Menopause - a difficult period in the life of a woman

climacteric period (Menopause) is a step in the life kobietytrudnym, followed by a gradual decline since the full capacity of płciowejoraz associated with this painful ailment. Disturbances in the production of hormonówpłciowych manifested irregular menstrual cycles, until their failure (menopause), and begin the various disorders, such as flushing dogłowy with a feeling of heat, dizziness, headaches, sweating, palpitations and bicieserca and emotional sensitivity. In addition to revealing zmianyogólnoustrojowe, including increase in blood pressure, joint pain and postępującaosteoporoza. Let us nearer problems associated with menopause and read sięco offer a pharmacy, and to combat the unpleasant symptoms and effects.

problem lies in hormones
kobietwytwarzane In the body there are two major steroid hormones. Estradiol is produced in the ovary, a prerequisite for the development żeńskichnarządów genital and secondary sexual characteristics. Organizmiekobiety undergoes transformation to structurally related compounds and physiologically - estrone and estriol - moisten the returnees, particularly abundant during pregnancy and lactation. Progesterone is produced in the corpus luteum and the placenta macicznymod third month of pregnancy. Enables the implantation of eggs in the uterus of pregnant iutrzymanie. Along with estradiol induces menstrual periods. Brakrównowagi in normal secretion of estradiol and progesterone causes symptoms całąkaskadę (previously mentioned), in varying degrees of severity.
As the production of sex hormones after menopause decreases gwałtownieo more than 80 percent, the result is that different bodies, which contain estrogen sięreceptory (brain, heart, bones) do not work as they should, akobieta feel unpleasant symptoms. The effect of low estrogen levels jestzanik mucosa and mucus in the vagina. This is accompanied by pressure, pain when passing urine, and incontinence, as with infection of the urinary tract. Pochwyto Dryness cause of most sexual problems later in menopause, because it causes pain during intercourse and inflammation. Without treatment, the changes idolegliwości become more onerous. Vagina, labia, łechtaczkakurczą and doing less flexible. All of this may be the cause of pain iswędzenia, a woman becomes more susceptible to urinary tract infections .

Hormonalnaterapia a substitute

long believed żeobjawy menopause is irreversible. However, modern medicine poradziłasobie with this problem by introducing doterapii menopausal hormone replacement therapy, in short HRT. This method niejest similar to oral contraceptives. Stosując pill przyjmujesię artificial hormones, which in addition to hormones that your body has already produkuje.HTZ also intended to supplement the levels of natural sex hormones, which does not produce organizmjuż and restores their levels przedmenopauzalny, alleviating objawyfizyczne and mental health associated with menopause. HRT wykorzystujehormony similar to produced by the body before menopause, estrogen, or estrogenyi progetagen. HRT should be started as soon as possible, about 45roku life, ie at a time when the first symptoms appear wokres entering puberty, such as irregular periods - often paradoksalniebardziej abundant at more frequent intervals (sometimes even beztowarzyszących hot flushes), and later full so. menopausal symptoms (wary, increased sweating, palpitations, mood disorders).
The available therapies lekarzwybierze safest and most effective. This choice will be zależnyod severity of symptoms, age and general health and indywidualnychżyczeń. Apply patches on the skin or tablets. Slices may contain sametylko estrogens or estrogens and a progestin. Some women wybierająiniekcje estrogen every 3 months or a subcutaneous implant. The aim zwalczaniapodrażnienia or dryness in the vagina, doctors can prescribe hormone TerapięZastępczą the form of a cream or pessaries. There is already a new form of tejterapii. It is a vaginal tablet, which is introduced into the vagina przypomocy hygienic applicator. Its advantage is that it does not zabrudzeńbielizny, which greatly increases the comfort women. Please ask your doctor odostępne preparations on the market HRT containing reduced doses of hormones. They onerównie effective as those in high doses, and wywołujązdecydowanie fewer side effects.

"Hormonal" plants

During badańprowadzonych the Far East, pointed out that in kobietspożywających regular foods such as tofu, kudzu, pomegranates, dates, flax czysiemię not occur some of the unpleasant symptoms associated okresowimenopauzy. It was found that the compounds responsible for the operation wymienionychproduktów are contained in them fitohormony.Ponieważ some of them are similar in construction and operation of the hormonówludzkich, including estrogen, it is possible to use them wwielu areas of life. With the knowledge of scientists and the latest conquests biochemiidysponujemy today a new generation of cosmetics containing in its składzieroślinne hormones, which are delivered from the outside, in the form of cosmetics, skin aging mogąprzeciwdziałać. These systems have been introduced kosmetykóww the hope that their action on the skin will help to delay the process jejstarzenia primarily at women entering the period of interest are przekwitania.Szczególnie phytoestrogens, which act in plants that samąfunkcję as estrogens in the human body. Similarity to estrogen przestrzennejfitohormonów construction makes them join znajdującymisię receptors in the skin, mimicking their action in tissues. Pozaoddziaływaniem Phytohormones receptors specific for the human hormones, are characterized by strong siębardzo antioxidant properties. Fullness They wolnychrodników role of scavengers, inhibit cell mutations, antineoplastic work. Thanks tymwłaściwościom, externally applied cosmetics to prevent oxidation iuszkodzeniu cell membranes, the slow action of enzymes, such as fiber supporting kolagenezyrozkładającej dermis. Show iprzeciwzapalne soothing. Phytohormones are also used in preparations modelującychowal face, because it prevents the accumulation of fat in okolicachdolnej eyelid, chin and cheeks. Some of them are used wspecyficznych preparations, such as firming bust.

westradiol rich plants are: onions, broccoli, cabbage, chicory, lucerne, clover, lupine, soybeans. Phytoestrogens are also wolejkodajnych herbs and spices: sage, licorice, anise, caraway, cyprysie, dill, thyme, bay leaf and rosemary. In aromaterapiinajbardziej known and most widely used for problems menopauzyjest sage oil. During menopause it is important to a diet rich wwyżej listed vegetables, particularly soya (recommended mlekasojowego 200 ml per day), use spices, fruits and olive oil to use in the kitchen zoliwek, which is the transporter of calcium from food into the body, dziękidużej linoleic acid content (up to 15%), which protects and prevents osteoporozie.Fitohormony are also found in dill, baziach willow, wheat germ, rice .

medication without a prescription

Industry farmaceutycznywytwarza numerous preparations containing phytoestrogens - both jakomonopreparaty and specific complex in different medical forms, statements or encapsulated główniepłynnych dry extracts. Najczęściejstosowanymi plants are those that contain the most hormonally aktywnychzwiązków.

most rozpowszechnionesą soy preparations (drug Soyfem and supplements Doppelherz AKTIV-Meno, Climagyn, FEMESTRA, MENOCAPS, MENOPLANT SOY-A 40 + ) .
interesting plant is pluskwica annual growth. Worthy podkreśleniajest that extracts from the work pluskwicy more selectively than soy (estrogen stimulation niepowodują uterus). Examples of formulations zawierającychpluskwicę are REMIFEMIN drug and supplement KLIMAKTOBON .
wymienionychroślin an alternative to the extracts of flax, licorice, broccoli, pomegranates, or in preparations czerwonejkoniczyny FEMAPAUSE, Mabelle .
P odobne action mająrośliny less known in Poland, like maca (formulation: + BIOSELEN MACA), a Chinese plant kudzu (preparations: Kudzu ROOT, KUDZUCAPS ).

diet rich in phytoestrogens

suplementacjąpreparatami addition to the pharmacy fitoestrgeny we can deliver to the body, stosującodpowiednią diet. Unfortunately, Europe is consumed foods rich wfitoestrogeny few (usually less than 5 mg of isoflavones), meanwhile, dziennezapotrzebowanie of isoflavones for menopausal women is 40 - 45mg.
fitoestrogenyprodukty rich, of course, soybeans, and the preparations sojowe takie jak olej sojowy ilecytyna nie zawierają fitoestrogenów. Sporą zawartość odnotowano w orzechach,nasionach lnu, słonecznika i sezamu, dyni oraz cukinii, brokułach, czosnku imarchwi, a także w roślinach cytrusowych i jagodowych.

Dieta azjatycka

Szczególnie bogata w produktysojowe dieta azjatycka, służy mieszkankom tego kontynentu. Badaniaepidemiologiczne pokazują, że dieta sojowa (zawartość izoflawonów średnio 20 -100 mg/d) prowadzi do znacznego obniżenia ryzyka nowotworów hormone (such as breast cancer resulting from the overproduction of estrogen) orazzmniejszenia risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Also homeopathy

homeopathic preparations used in climacteric symptoms, it Sepia, Graphites, Lachesis, Cimicifuga .
wszystkimpamiętać It should be about other ancillary treatments in the menopausal period: natural food iurozmaicone (recommended vegetable and fruit salads, juices, blended beverages zzieleniną), physical exercise and movement to appropriate health, herbal baths in the home, the gentle massage of total or partial, some facials, body dry brushing or bathing, supplementation of bioelements in the body, particularly magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, soluble silica, potassium (Schindele'a micronutrients).

Andropause - "menopausal" men

J ak mentioned, they are not tylkokobiety menopause. Also, men have "climacteriumvirile, called andropause. Decreases the production of male steroid hormone testosterone wjądrach, affecting the physical development of male characteristics ipsychicznych, and the production by the adrenal glands sterydowegodehydrospiandrosteronu (DHEA). This hormone is iprzeciwstarzeniową immune activity, controls the course of age-related changes, zmniejszazagrożenie atherosclerosis, increases the activity of insulin, suppresses allergic reactions and ichobjawy and - especially important - restores balance in układzieimmunologicznym. Low levels of DHEA in the body causes sexual dysfunction, loss, muscle weakness or memory loss, the appearance of symptomówdegeneracyjnych and lowering the overall resistance. These remarks apply also to women sięzresztą. Doctors say that men period of "retuning" of hormones in the elderly is less acute than ukobiet. There is also so strongly associated with age biological adolegliwości are rather combined with the general aging of the organism and tempemtego process. Probably the most difficult symptom adopted by male potency and efficiency jestobniżenie gender, whose background is very complex hormone audział here is only partial.

phytosanitary COMPLEX - prescription drug in capsules

To przeciwdziałaniaobjawom associated with both menopause and andropause, have developed a preparation FITOSCOMPLEX. It contains in its composition:
0.01 g Dehydroepiandrosteron
Reishi extract ; ; 0.40 g
Nettle Root ; 0.33 g
fireweed extract 0.20 g
Measure ingredients:
Dehydroepiandrosterone - (DHEA) is a natural hormone produced wnadnerczach and released into the blood. DHEA is formed under natural conditions zcholesterolu. It is an inactive substance used in the synthesis hormonówpłciowych. In such tissues as the prostate gland, skeletal muscle, bone, and in men are n is converted into androgens , au women - to estradiol . DHEA deficiency may be przyczynąniekorzystnych phenomena associated with aging like for example:
- weakness of memory, intellectual ability, ability to concentrate,
- malaise idepresja
- ifizyczne mental ailments related to the period of andropause in men
- reduced muscle strength, fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome
- reduced resistance nastres
- decrease libido izmniejszenie efficiency sexual
- obesity, insulin resistance zmniejszonawrażliwość, which can cause diabetes
- atherosclerosis
- sleep disorders
- lowered immunity organizmuna viral and bacterial infections
Complement deficiency DHEAmoże counteract the above-mentioned processes and phenomena, and efekciepoprawiać health status and quality of life of aging people. High blood stężeniaDHEA usually associated are of lower risk of death, and because szczególnościzgonu cardio - vascular diseases.

medicinal mushroom in Japan Reishi has been used for thousands of years in leczeniuprzeróżnych chronic diseases. It is called the mushroom of immortality. Najnowszebadania research confirms the effectiveness of this remarkable fungus. its antitumor activity. Countries such as Japan and Reishi mushroom Austriauznały as an anticancer agent. It is used in leczeniunowotworów breast, uterus, prostate, stomach, kidney, liver, pancreas, brain, esophagus, throat, lung, colon and leukemia. Reishi is also skutecznymlekiem in therapy of atherosclerosis, arrhythmia and hypertension. Reduces poziomcholesterolu, triglycerides and blood sugar. Regular intake REISHIzapobiega clots, which can cause hemorrhage domózgu. The studies carried out on patients suffering from diabetes (type II) showed the properties to assist in treating this disease. This fungus is recommended sięosobom suffering from anxiety, insomnia, living with stress or fatigue wstanach. It is particularly recommended during menopause iandropauzy.
Wierzbownica elephants and root nettle - infection is countered by the układumoczowego, for which women are exposed during menopause. In men chroniąprostatę.

----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------

tematdziałania further information and purchase options COMPLEX phytosanitary formulation can be obtained numeremtelefonu:

Mgr farms. Tomasz Mrozowski-tel. 692 784 978 (after it dz.16.00)

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What do you do when you reach herpes? Woody

There are days when we feel weak, irritable something weird, or simply stressed out. In addition, hurry, work, home, any type of trouble very much weaken the body. For viruses, the perfect moment to attack. You do not have to wait long to one day see with horror that appeared on the lips of an itchy blister.

Herpes simplex and herpes

recurrent herpes simplex recurrences occur in more than 1% of the population, the incidence increases dramatically after 15 years of age.
symptoms of recurrent infection rely on the formation and seeding small blisters filled with clear fluid. The disease is often preceded by a feeling of itching in the site for future planting, as well as other local symptoms such as dry mucous membranes, increasing the tension, redness and swelling. They may include headaches and elevated temperature. Grouped bubbles burst, and dries the liquid coming out in scabs. Changes persist for a certain period, an average of 7 to 10 days. The most common place for seeding are the lips and facial skin around the mouth, and sometimes genitals. After drying scabs fall off, leaving a fast-fading, dark pink or brown spots.
Although herpes simplex symptoms disappear after a few days even without treatment, it may occur secondary complications such as infection, persistent and worsening erosions, ulcers and necrotic lesions in the oral mucosa, which requires adjuvant treatment. There are many factors that contribute to normal herpes. This may be too strong for example, sunlight, menstruation, but also heavier diseases such as pneumonia. Some people are especially prone to collapse by a simple cold sore. It occurs in the same places and with a similar seriousness.
generally accepted regimen of oral herpes is the intravenous injection of vitamin C in the amount of 0.1 g for 3 consecutive days. Administered by a team of B vitamins or topical hydrocortisone suspension was 0.1-0.2%, and also widely available analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory.
My advice: place affected by herpes wash salicylic alcohol (no action of disinfectants and exfoliating), then apply a paste spot Lassara ointment (zinc ointment with salicylic acid). Small cost and high efficiency.

Remember! ointment acyclovir is effective only in the initial phase of viral replication .

Friday, April 29, 2011

Freee Inlay Games Full Versions

Hvitveis - Wood anemone

I see anemones and black eyes beautifully portrayed in many photo blogs now.

And fail not to try for yourself.

I never agree with myself about what I like best macrostil,

but I like at least to try many different things.

Have a great weekend!


Just some different types of macro shots

of a flower you will find everywhere in Norway these days.

I wish you all an excellent weekend!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wet Cm With White Before Period

bull - how to lose weight

Summer is fast approaching ... We begin to shed their clothes ... We look in the mirror, console that is not so bad ... But deep down inside we dream of a beautiful silhouette ... Hinder us pendulous bellies, fat legs and arms ... Yes ... I know the pain ... I lost weight 27 kg. It is true that I was unwanted helper - diabetes. But within two months my body burn the whole, huge fat reserve, he could not cope with carbohydrates, so he took to be fat. And though I have diabetes, I take insulin, I feel healthier than many teens. Now I keep a diet, holidays, not Christmas ... I provide the body with about 1500 cal I count them .. I learned to fight the feeling of hunger. Morning and evening, about 500 cal At lunchtime, about 600-800 cal
want to lose weight - Calories count , Put away the old habits, habits. I spent many years as the pharmacy, so. the first table, which is a popular counter. My experience is - all medicines fail, any diet will be ineffective if they do not stop to eat excessively. Beyond what is necessary. Men lose beer, Lord of the dough. these are all unnecessary calories. The human body This precision machine, it adopts what he needed, part rejects, and the rest put aside. so formed adipose tissue.
need to count calories. Personally, from 7 months I do not eat bread at all. I excluded them from the daily diet. Effect (from sedentary to moderate traffic) - height 180, weight 178 kg!. To this day bellies and ears. Without nutritional regime makes no mention of any weight loss. .
will now be a little scientific, but actually generates the obesity disease.
In European MONICA study showed that the criterion otyłościosiągnęło 22% women and 15% of men overweight criterion met while over half the population of Europe. Polish research Opublikowaneniedawno POL-MONICA BIS showed obesity in Europe dlacałej comparable numbers of women and men.
conducted in the U.S. in the years 1988 to 1994 NHANES II survey (National Health and Nutrition) have demonstrated that the problem of obesity concerns znaczniewiększej population, met the criterion for obesity, because 25% of women i20% of men with this that approximately 5.1% of the population turned out to be giant (BMI> 40kg / m 2 ).
recent study published in 2004 reported that 67% of the population USAponad characterized by overweight and obesity over 30%. People teprócz obesity are often also the other elements of the metabolic syndrome: hypertension, hyperlipidemia, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes. AT THE TIME, it should be przująć that in more than two thirds of society increases ryzykoprzewlekłych metabolic diseases.
Obesity is determined by many factors metabolic, endocrinological, genetic, environmental, and psychological ibeahwioralnymi.
Obesity is secondary and in some chorobachendokrynologicznych, organic diseases of the hypothalamus, the zespołachuwarunkowanych genetically.
Obesity also occurs after iatrogenic reasons stosowaniuleków, such as neuroleptics, antidepressants and anticonvulsants, sedatives, steroids, beta-blockers, and lekiprzeciwcukrzycowe - insulin and some sulfonylureas.
Remember, this is a very important that adipose tissue is not a mere energy depot , aleteż active participant and the modulator not only its own metabolism, aleprzede all the key factor involved in metabolizmieenergetycznym vital organs such as brain, muscle (mięsieńsercowy) and the liver.

lifestyle and dieting

best example of how wielemożna achieved through simple zmianom w trybie życia, są Finowie. W latach 70.mieli największą śmier­telność spowodowaną chorobami serca. Kampania na rzeczzdrowego trybu życia i właściwejdiety odniosła wspaniały skutek, bo teraz statystyki są zupełnie inne, aprzeciętna długość życia w Finlandii wzrosła o 10 lat.
Tajowie – ich sekretemsą ostre przy­prawy, które przyspieszają przemia­nę materii i pomagają spalićwięcej kalorii.
Szwajcaria z kolei poleca mu­esli, sycące na długo, pełnebłonnika i wartościowych składników odżyw­czych. 
Brazil - the country's jadasię rice and beans almost every meal, which reduces the risk of obesity by 14%!
Dutch - eat a lot of herring. What gain? Omega-3 fatty acids, reduced stress and insulin poziomhormonu.
India, Finland and the Netherlands - the place ruch.Joga, walk (or with sticks - Nordic walking), cycling ...
French -long sit at the table and talk. It is, surprisingly, makes them less (iprzyjemniej to live).
Poles - eat what you prepare yourself at home, and tozwykle is a lot less calories than the meals offered in restaurants lubgotowe.

"Adjuvant" slimming

In the pharmacy there are many substances in the form suplementówdiety, recommended as helpful in fighting excess body tłuszczowej.Większość of them to promise "miracles" - weight loss without diet restrictions, physical bezwzmożonego etc. Their work is rather a pious życzeniaproducentów than scientifically study the pharmacological effects. Substances are, however, actually help in weight loss. Which of them wykazujądziałanie slimming?
L-carnitine - dosubstancji witaminopodobnych counts. In the body is synthesized from lysine imetioniny. For the synthesis of carnitine, amino acids are needed in addition to iron, vitamin C, PP and B 6 . In humans, the synthesis occurs in the kidney, liver and brain. The compound is worganizmie as two isomers: D & L - active
exhibits biological activity only as L-carnitine and wtej form should be administered orally as a supplement. Its main source is wpokarmie meat and dairy products. Role of L-carnitine for weight loss reliance that transports fatty acids into the mitochondria ("energy storage"), where they undergo changes, resulting in a energy. UdziałL-carnitine in the stimulation of fatty acid metabolic zwiększao about 70% of their use as an energy source. Intensifying processes spalaniakwasów acids, L-carnitine inhibits the formation of fatty tissue, and tymsamym the development of obesity and atherosclerosis. Following its action reduces caloric sięzapotrzebowanie and improves tolerance to effort.
Green Tea - increases energy expenditure, fat burning iaktywuje. Catechins in green tea (EGCG epigallocatechin-gallate) inhibit both growth and proliferation komórektłuszczowych. EGCG may reduce the already existing fat and hamowaćtworzenie a new one.
Conjugated acid linoleic acid (CLA-Conjugated Linoleic Acid) - is a mixture of different isomers będącychnaturalnymi varieties of one of the fatty acids - linoleic acid.
Najpowszechniejwystępujące and best known are the isomers cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10-12 orazcis. The source of CLA is primarily milk and meat of ruminant animals (eg cattle), in which CLA is formed in the rumen from linoleic acid into wpływemdziałania bacteria (Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, among others). Highest dotychczasstężenie CLA found in meat ... kangaroos.

Studies zwierzętachwskazują that CLA effectively reduces body fat mass, zwiększawrażliwość insulin decreases blood glucose levels, has działanieantykancerogenne and positive impact on people with schorzeniamimiażdżycowymi. Conjugated linoleic acid is applied to diabetics, people znowotworami, with hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, as well as weight loss izmniejszaniu fat mass. There are many studies on the efficacy of CLA zwierzętachpotwierdzających in case of loss of excessive kilogramówi reduce body fat. This information was the reason zainteresowanianaukowców whether CLA will have a similar effect in humans. Was therefore made on grupie52 patients (35 women and 17 men) with a BMI between 25 and 35 kg/m2. Subjects received a dose of CL: 1.7, 3.4, 5.1 or 6.8 g / day or placebo (9 g olive oil) for 12 weeks. After 12tygodniach CLA group (daily dose of 3.4 g ) was tkankitłuszczowej weight (body fat mass - BFM) with 1.73 kg in group CLA - 6.8 g a day - about zmniejszenieBFM 1.3 kg.

Look in pharmacy preparations containing these ingredients .

Finally, a mention about the advertised preparation Alli. It contains a substance called orlistat , which operates on the pharmacy market for many years. Including her preparation Xenical which you can buy only on medical prescription.
Orlistat is a drug that reduces body weight by hamowaniawchłaniania fat from the gastrointestinal tract. As is known, the neutral fats are pożywieniemprzyjmowane, forming esters of glycerol with kwasamitłuszczowymi. In the duodenum and jejunum following their digestion iwchłanianie. This process takes place due to the presence of bile acids, coenzymes enzyme. The key role played by the enzyme - Pancreatic lipase, which powodujehydrolizę triglycerides to monoglycerides and fatty acid release, they tłuszczowych.Wnikają into enterocytes, where they are re-esterified dotriglicerydów. In terms physiological process is very efficient itylko 5% of ingested fat excreted in the feces. Under the influence of stosowaniaorlistatu comes to inhibit the hydrolysis of triglycerides, which makes częśćspożytych fat (about 30% ) is absorbed not only eliminated . Therapeutic efficacy of orlistat was evaluated in a study conducted in the U.S. Europiei. It was shown that a drug used in the daily dose of 360 mg (3 tablets of 120mg), in combination with low-calorie diet ( 1200 kcal, 30% of energy from fat, 50% carbohydrates and 20% Protein ) causes weight loss from 7.9 to 10.2% . It is worth noting that in patients who, during the initial 12 tygodnileczenia achieved weight loss of more than 5%, is found in the dalszejterapii significantly larger loss in body weight compared with those who wanalogicznym start of treatment lost weight below 5%. Ponadtoprzeprowadzono study on the usefulness of the drug in maintaining uzyskanychrezultatów. After completion of the ongoing 52 weeks of treatment with diet niskokalorycznąi orlistat, a diet advised test-takers covering zapotrzebowanieenergetyczne in combination with orlistat, a daily dose of 360 mg (3 tablets po120 mg) or 180 mg (1.5 tablets of 120 mg). After years of observation have shown żeosoby receiving orlistat on weight came significantly less compared zosobami not receiving the drug.
Orlistat administered at a dose of 360 mg daily for a period of 8tygodni, lowers total cholesterol by 10% and LDL - cholesterol O11%. In addition, the drug effectively lowers blood pressure, both systolic irozkurczowe when body weight decreases by more than 5%.
result of orlistat is increased fat excretion in feces. Właśnieten mechanism is responsible as emerging during therapy objawyniepożądane. These are loose stools, straining, bloating and spotting tłuszczowe.Występują are primarily in people who consume a diet containing 30% fat większejniż. These symptoms are more troublesome at the beginning of the treatment of obesity with orlistat leczenia.Podczas was also investigated whether treatment niezubaża slimming the body in fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and beta-carotene. Not shown, however, that the levels of these vitamins decreased poniżejnormy, during an annual and years of therapy. There was also caused bypreparat risk of developing cholelithiasis, kamicypiersiowej or breast cancer.
orlistat does not apply in malabsorption syndrome, in the case of cholestasis, in pregnancy and lactation. It should not be podawaćłącznie with cyclosporine, because it causes the interaction.

dieting smart.

Monday, April 25, 2011

When Does Jaw Growth Stop

Easter blues

Some blåtonebilder from Easter .

For those interested: It has top shutter speed of 30 sec ..

Soon Easter over.

the last few days have been amazing weather,

and we've had some gorgeous days here in western Norway.

Having said that it will be

good to work a bit again as well.

A nice End Easter to you all!

-------------------------------------------- -

Some pictures taken the last days here that Sunnmøre .

The shutterspeed is 30 sec. for the first shot.

I hope your Easter Holli days Went well!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Applying Thompsons Water Seal To Wood Playset

overeating, flatulence and gastric neurosis may be of a good pharmacist

Flatulence are grupynajczęstszych gastrointestinal symptoms, sometimes accompanied by skurczejelit or painful colic. It happens that we feel as if we suddenly taliiprzybyło few centimeters. It is a sign that the intestine is nazbierały dużeilości gases. Another symptom of this ailment is so disagreeable. winds. Pierwszyobjaw sometimes annoying, sometimes painful, and the other very troublesome dlapacjenta. Many experts believe that bloating is spowodowaneniekompletnym digesting certain foods, food fermentation trakcietrawienia or aspiration with air during spożywaniaposiłku hasty. Reasons might be, however, much more. Look carefully iPod remedies.
bad and good bacteria
present in the gut bacteria are a major producer of gas, and their type depends primarily on diet, but also from some of the conditions in which florybakteryjnej change or substances present in the intestinal contents. In the large intestine żyjeolbrzymia bacteria. It is estimated that it is several hundred species and even stanowiąone 1 / 3 weight of stool. They are usually harmless to our health anawet have some beneficial role in breaking down undigested resztekpokarmowych. Some of these bacteria have a specific metabolism, which is the production końcowymproduktem aforementioned gaseous compounds. As many as 80 to 90% of donated gas comes from the metabolism of these bacteria. Bacteria, któreprodukują gas "feed" mostly simple sugars and carbohydrates in the diet złożonymizawartymi. Thus, the recommendation of restricting the use or całkowitejeliminacji these carbohydrates from your diet can create gas radykalniezmniejszyć. Manufacture of gas depends on also on individual sensitivity naniektóre foods. Therefore, the volume of donated greenhouse in people którespożyły the same amount of carbohydrates the same may be significantly różnić.Wzdęcie may also occur in people with impaired gastric emptying, gastroparesis conosi name. Dlategolekarze often recommend enforcement in such cases, endoscopic examination rentgenowskiegolub upper gastrointestinal tract. Wzdęciawystępują Sometimes in the course of digestive disorders or malabsorption of food and treatments poniektórych operating within the abdominal cavity. In such sytuacjachodpowiednie treatment made by a physician. We do not know why the feeling of bloating (fullness, swelling) occurs in women znacznieczęściej . Distension is usually caused nieprawidłowymiskurczami stomach and intestines. Some significance may also be sagging (zbytsłabe voltage) of the abdominal muscles. Currently available drugs that regulate pracęmięśni stomach and intestines, which reduces the feeling of fullness of the abdomen. It is worth ocenićilość episodes flatulence. The norm is about 9 - 17 times per day (maximum 21 times), although the symptoms also depend on the sensitivity of colorectal stretching, and this varies between individuals.
Other reasons
Flatulence linked with constipation or diarrhea zdarzająsię also a time of psychological tensions. When stabilizujesię life situation, work gastrointestinal tract is also back to normal. Gut feeling of overcrowding wprzewodzie feel too many women just before menstruation . It passes after ustaniukrwawienia. Excessive production of gas is often accompanied by illness określanejjako irritable bowel syndrome (a disease characterized by impaired coordination of contractions of intestinal peristalsis izaburzeniami). Flatulence can also be the result of diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, parasitic infections, such as lambliami.
How do you help
digestive ailments associated with the presence of gases are cumbersome and nieraztrudne to treatment. Patients complain of bloating feeling in addition to the belching, hiccups, and go gas, often smelly, which can be extremely embarrassing .

To alleviate the unpleasant symptoms, you should:
· follow a diet, refrain from eating rozdymających; ograniczyćilość intake of refined carbohydrates, sugars and artificial sweeteners wdziennej diet;
· meals eaten slowly, slowly, chewing thoroughly and sporządzaćich records and their own eating habits;
· avoid activities that cause air swallowing (conversation at meals, sucking hard candies, chewing gum);
· ruled drinking carbonated drinks, especially sweet, as well as beer, milk isłodkiego;
· ; should facilitate belching after meals by remaining in an upright position;
· put a warm compress on the abdomen. Heat works namięśnie intestinal relaxant, allowing gases to rapidly expel (the best is termoforowinięty in a towel);
· drink hot tea brewed from the herb teaspoon cumin, fennel, peppermint or anise (herbs, pour a glass of hot water and allow to stand for 15minutes to strain). You can also draw infusion of a mixture of these herbs zdodatkiem teaspoon valerian (valerian). This mixture does not only relaxant, but also soothing;
· drink peppermint tea with lemon juice;
· flavor hard to digest foods known in folk medicine środkamirozkurczowymi, ginger, cumin, marjoram, mint, fruit juniper
· try to drink a small glass of herbal tinctures, such as anyżówki (if mamyzupełnie healthy heart and liver);

· drink 30 drops of peppermint or gastric kieliszkuciepłej dissolved in water;

· do some relaxation exercises, such as relaxing the abdominal muscles, połączoneze calm, wdechami and long exhalations. They are particularly useful, are on the ground gdywzdęcia nerwicowym;

· avoid nervousness, haste, overexertion, (Latin festina lente - hurry slowly)

S prawdzona therapy developed by the author
(composition of the drug developed by the author)
Liśćkarczocha 90 mg
goals krwawnika ;
leaf peppermint ;
Fruit cumin
Lusk nasienna babki jajowatej 35 mg po
Age cynamonu                                  
              Kłącze kurkumy                                 
              Kłącze imbiru                                     

              Sylimaryna                   is 10 mg
; Korzeń kozłka ;                 170mg
              Szyszka chmielu                               
              Liść melisy
goals serdecznika is 50 mg
Simeticon ; 40 mg

Składnikileku thoroughly crushed and mixed in a mortar, and then to kapsułekskrobiowych przesypuję . The drug removes flatulence and related complications. Zdecydowaniepoprawia digestion and liver functions. Działażółciotwórczo stimulates liver cells to increase wytwarzaniacholesterolu, and then converting it into bile acids, which are głównymiskładnikami bile. Relaxant effect on the gallbladder and drogiżółciowe, cholagogic, protects liver cells, lowers LDL (tzw.złego cholesterol). Simethicone works nagranicy surface of the liquid phase and gas in the intestine, reducing the tension powierzchniowei thereby enabling removal of gas from the digestive tract. Preparatprzynosi relief also in neurovegetative disorders of the stomach. It is zespółobjawów, called out the name irritable bowel syndrome. Towarzysząmu symptoms such as feeling of constant fatigue, sleep disorders, headaches, impaired concentration, anxiety, symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired appetite, heartburn, belching empty, tightness and expands wnadbrzuszu, sometimes vomiting, or intolerance of certain foods. Inneobjawy this team are: wet hands, speed up or slow czynnościserca, pressure spikes.
information on the drug farm mgr. TomaszMrozowski - 692 784 978
medicine is not available for individual aptekach.Przygotowywany telephone orders.

SATISFACTORY households can prepare the following mix of herbal, osprawdzonej effectiveness, which includes a number of years ago I made:
Objectives nostrzyka , 50 gram
Szyszka chmielu 50 gram
goals lebiodki 50 gram
Gram goals serdecznika 50
Kwiatostan Glogue 50 grams
celandine herb , 25 grams
Preparation: Mix the herbs in the proportion shown. The enamel dish pour 3 kopiastełyżki Table 3.5 cups water mixture at room temperature. Staranniewymieszać and under cover, at low heating bring to the boil, which should be maintained for 2 - 4 minutes, after heating to the decoction 5minutach strain into a thermos flask. Drink 3 cups of brew a day, half an hour before eating. Dregs of herbs that have been in the vessel after odcedzeniuodwaru, pour juice purchased in a pharmacy Birch Succus Betulae (2-3 bottles). Leave overnight, strain the morning back to your bottle. Drink 5 ml (teaspoon) three times a day. In case of the stronger contractions should take Buscopan tablets, the drug much more powerful and stronger renewal-Spy .

Farmakologicznewsparcie - drugs without a prescription

With środkówfarmakologicznych recommend preparations that contain the composition dimethicone, simethicone, krzemuo compounds that reduce surface tension properties, herbs, plant extracts .

To meet the above mentioned warunkiproduktów are available without a prescription : Espumisan , EspumisanEasy , Esputicon , Ulgix , Disflatyl, Gasperitin , Gastrosil , Iberogast, HepasonComplex , Ulgamax .

Wśródpreparatów herbal teas are especially recommended to caraway fruit, fruit kopruwłoskiego, fruit, anise, basil and peppermint . Herbs tezawierają in its composition, the compounds of the properties wiatropędnych, niesprzyjającychfermentacji in the gastrointestinal digestion of food and supporting . Sąosoby, which in the case of these problems helps acting relaxant drug the digestive tract. For example, a drug takimjest preparation No-Spa, Galospa . If the bloating is so severe that cause pain in the abdomen możepomóc ingestion of this preparation. Stronger measure is Buscopan tablets. D gaped relaxant (spasmolytic) on smooth muscles przewodupokarmowego, biliary tract, and urogenital tract.

Herbal polecaneprzeze me in flatulence:

AMAROSAL syrup. Indicated in the lack of appetite, bloating and indigestion.
AROMATOL ethanolic solution. Recommended for ailments gastro - intestinal, circulatory disorders, insomnia, migraine, rheumatic pains, colds nerwobólachi.
CARVOFIT FIX herbs to brew in bags; trawieniapołączonych used in disorders with pain in the gastrointestinal tract, the feeling of fullness, flatulence.
DEGROSAN mieszankaziołowa brewing, the preparation used in disorders of the digestive process of food iprzyswajania manifested by bloating, abdominal pain, and constipation zmniejszonymłaknieniem. Also in obesity, intestinal atony, zmniejszonejtolerancji animal fats and vegetable oils. In the alternative, the niedoczynnościtarczycy, in atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, preventively tendency dotycia.
DEGROTEX-FIX herbs to brew in bags; Apply an adjunct wwadliwej metabolism, manifested by bloating, obesity, zaburzeniachwydzielania procedure, indigestion, eczema skin.
DIGESAN fluid extract alcohol, liquor contains about 40 herbs wielokierunkowymdziałaniu.
DIGESA - TONIC oral fluid; nieżytach indicated in the stomach and intestines, zaburzeniachruchowych digestive tract, indigestion, flatulence, bile zaburzeniachwydzielania by the liver. Powered cholagogic, anti iprzeciwskurczowo, regenerates liver parenchyma.
FITO - MIX VII brewing herbs, used in the alternative, such schorzeniachprzewodu tract, such as bloating, decreased appetite, gastritis, duodenal and intestinal difficulties in the digestion of fats and general nieprawidłowafermentacja.
GASTROVIT brewing herbs recommended in digestive disorders, bloating, pain stomach, heart burn.
GUTTAE STOMACHICAE (stomach drops) used in indigestion, bezsoczności, bloating, lack of appetite, spastic conditions in the stomach and pain, in the alternative kolceżołądkowej and liver.
HERBOGASTRIN oral fluid; formulation is used in digestive disorders of the stomach tleniedokwaśności, nieżytach stomach and intestines, excessive fermentation, bloating, gas accumulation, abdominal pain, lack of appetite. Also wzaburzeniach digestion in children and adolescents caused by such foods, nutrition errors, and in elderly patients with paresis of the intestines, zastojemżółci, weakening of activity of the pancreas, bile and proteolytic deficiency enzymówtrawiennych, as well as the difficulties associated with the digestion of fats and pokarmówzawierających protein.
HIPOTRAVEX brewing herbs, used for digestive disorders, liver disorders, nieżytach biliary tract, flatulence.
Benedictine Liquor recommended in inflammatory upper drógoddechowych, abdominal pain, bin, flatulence, digestive tract with stronyprzewodu in insomnia.
NEONORMOVIT herbs used in liver failure and reduced wydzielaniużółci with elevated cholesterol levels, reduces or removes stanyskurczowe in the digestive tract, restores normal gut motility ruchówperystaltycznych, slightly stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, helps the assimilation of food and prevent flatulence, has słabedziałanie diuretic, a little severe diarrhea.
TABLETS AGAINST indigestion apply the symptoms associated with disorders procesówtrawiennych, flatulence the weakening of the secretory activity of the stomach and liver in obesity.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cat Has Chronic Hairballs

Light - at the sea

Easter at sea is not so bad there either ...

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Easter at the sea.

Happy Easter all two of you!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Invitation Wording For Pampered Chef

Morning fog - at the sea

Dårlig vær på Sunnmøre i Påska .

Litt gøy å ta bilder i dag tidlig likevel.


It's Easter break

but we have not seen the sun


Tomorrow, we hope.