Saturday, May 28, 2011

Online Stream School Of Rock

Hemorrhoids - an embarrassing and nagging problem

anal diseases are one of the most common ailments, zktórymi meets every pharmacist in the daily work of pharmacy. Potwierdzająto the statistics. Bowel disease and rectal uprzemysłowionychcierpi countries more than half the adult population. Pain, itching, humid in okolicyodbytu, blood on toilet paper, suddenly appearing tumor, zabrudzonabielizna, the symptoms with which patients often seek advice first waptece. At present state of knowledge of diseases proctologic (grec.prokton = rectum and Lat. Kolon = large intestine) is already very large. Rozwinąłsię whole range of diagnostic, therapeutic and środkówfarmakologicznych. It is in this topic made aware of the patient. Niepotrzebnezwlekanie a visit to the doctor may affect the development of the state bardziejgroźniejszych. Among the diseases proctologic one of the most common diseases sąhemoroidy (haemorrhoids, haemorrhoids, hemorrhoids).

Structure and physiology of the anus

Abylepiej understand the causes of this condition we refer to the construction of ifizjologią anus. The rectum is an average of 15 cm in length, is bardzorozciągliwa, has a bulge (bulb) and a large ability to change capacity. On one hand (the left lower abdomen) creates an extension of the descending jelitagrubego (sigmoid colon). On the other hand, is finished with the anus. In odbytnicyzbiera the feces, which is lying here often for hours or days. The wall bańkiodbytnicy are nerve endings that transmit signals from the brain dowypróżnienia intestine. Defecation followed by groups of muscles around the anus (anal sphincter) and the muscle covering the bubble rectum (the pelvic mięśniprzepony). The transition from bubble to the anus rectum is narrow, has a 3 -5 cm in length and is closed by the anal sphincter muscle. At the end begins kanałuodbytu skin that is visible and palpable. Entire pokrytejest gut mucosa. The anal mucosa enters the skin. Granicamiędzy mucous membranes and the skin is not easy, but serrated. Międzyposzczególnymi cones skin, reaching the mucous membrane, creates onazatoki similar to the pocket, so. crypt. In the bottom of the crypts are sięgruczoły which channels can range as high as the sphincter muscle. The crypts możesię collect fluid, stool or small foreign bodies from the food. Develops sięwtedy inflammation that can extend to channels of the glands and thus to mięśni.Tu are therefore the starting points of many diseases. Innervation of the rectum, and anus teżskóry is very intense, hence the high sensitivity to pain. Sam zaśbłona mucosa is insensitive to pain. This is important when choosing sposobuleczenia.

hemorrhoids Development - favorable factors

Hemoroidywystępują mostly between 30 and 50 years of age. The mechanism of powstawaniajest follows. Above the anal canal mucosa in każdegoczłowieka is vascular plexus. It complements the camera's operation and very springy mięśnizwierających filled with a bowel movement. At wpływemróżnych factors vascular tangle możeulec larger temporary. These factors include chronic constipation, prolonged use of laxatives, bowel movements combined zdługim seat and a strong urge, the overall weakness of the connective tissue, inflammation izastoje feces around the anus. In addition to disease agents known to still exist zpewnością other harmful agents to which the human body możezareagować in different ways.

periods of disease

I period. następujeczasowe increase during the first vascular plexus. There is an admixture of blood in the blood stolcu.Możemy held on paper or even bleeding from kanałuodbytu. The reason is bleeding from the mucous membrane, stretched przezpowiększony vascular plexus. Period I is not painful. In the case of brakuleczenia lesions develop and are referred to as:
II period. ulegająuszkodzeniu blood vessels so much that they are partially replaced by connective tissue. Tworząsię "bumps" that descend at a very sensitive anal canal. During straining lubwypróżnienia these tumors are moved by the fecal masses downwards. Opróczkrwawienia second major symptom of this period is a pain. If such a state niejest treated and maintained many months or years, then changes chorobowepostępują further.
third period. vascular plexus loses its efficiency. Gotkanki surrounding changing. Sphincter muscle function is decreasing, tkankanaczyniowa is replaced by connective tissue and at each wypróżnieniuduże tumors fall out or remain permanently on the outside, visible wujściu anal canal. Large tumors cushions entail downward mucosa, which remained outside the intestine is subject to constant drażnieniu and responds to tośluzową secretions. Therefore, the major finding in this period stałezawilgocenie anal, dirty underwear. Often a feeling of oppression iból.
Szczególnąpostacią disease manifested by a sudden pain after defecation and wypadnięciemdużego, bleeding, mucus-coated wet tumor is incarceration krwawniczych tumors. While pushing the współistniejącąobstrukcją is pressed, one or more tumors krwawniczych, which is already not allowed to withdraw and remain before the anus. The tumors rapidly wypadniętych powstająskrzepy. Arterial blood reaches the tumor, but the return of blood is stopped. Wypadnięty Wwyniku this tumor is getting bigger, the pain worsens, obrzękokołoodbytniczy is larger, burst blood vessels and efekciedochodzi to necrosis. Need urgent medical attention.
Innąpostacią krwawniczych tumors is zakrzepicaokołoodbytowa . The disease arises in the blood vessels podskórnychwskutek very hard stool, straining and prolonged obstruction. In trakciedefekacji have sudden pain, and during treatments okolicyodbytu hygiene can feel painful tumor sizes. Treatment consists of poddaniusię surgery or the use of ointments and sitz powodującychustąpienie changes, then the treatment can take several weeks. In okolicyodbytu are often skin folds, which cause eczema rectal ibrudzenia underwear.

Początkoweobjawy hemorrhoids may disappear as a result of pharmacological treatment, should be united jednakpoważniejsze have surgery. Important jestodpowiednia diagnosis, to exclude such wadyanatomiczne or rectal cancer.
Leczeniehemoroidów aims to
  • Poprawękrążenia and condition of the peripheral vascular
  • ; Zmniejszeniestanów inflammatory
  • Redukcjębólu
  • Regulacjęwypróżnień, affecting the reduction in an effort to defecate

bezrecepty drugs for hemorrhoids

Pharmacists możnaznaleźć a range of measures available without a prescription, which show wyżejwymienione soothing and healing. These include:
first Surowcepochodzenia plant:
  • wyciągz chestnut bark standardized for esculin, standardized naescynę seeds, tannins contained in the raw material have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, present in the complex preparations: AESCULAN - ointment EMORECT - gel.

  • wyciągz witch hazel leaves: in addition to the extract of marigold and chamomile is jednymze components beauty care cream around the anus ANALEN .

  • wyciągz rhizomes Ruszczyk barbed containing ruscogenin, reinforcing naczyniakrwionośne; present in a formulation made RUSCOREX - suppositories, CYCLO-3 FORTE - tablets. When ruszczyku we stay longer, as it proved its effectiveness in many studies. This drug is often recommended by doctors. Ru
    szczyk barbed, barbed myszopłoch (Ruscus aculeatus L.) belongs to the family Ruscaceae (Ruszczykowate / myszopłochowate), previously classified in the family szparagowatych Asparagaceae and lily Liliaceae. J est is low, evergreen shrub, with underground rhizomes. Rhizome reaches a length of 10 cm and 1 cm in diameter, has no odor and has a slight sweet-tart flavor. The shrub has a stiff, straight upright, branched stems. Competent leaves are small, in the form of green scales, with their groins liściokształtne grow shoots, leaves, function, or fyllokladia (gałęziaki). They are leathery, dark, barbed end. Male and female flowers spring bloom on separate plants are green, grow from the bottom of the stem singly or in bunches. The fruit is round, red colored berry, ripening in September and remaining on the plant throughout the winter. Rhizome harvesting takes place in late autumn. plant comes from the Mediterranean. Currently exists in many countries in Europe, in Asia (Iran), in North Africa and the southern U.S.. Habitat of its occurrence are dry, sunny and warm slopes, thickets, forests, occasionally reaches up to 1000 m altitude R Barbed uszczyk has many common names in England is named Sweet broom, Myrtle Jews, Butcher's broom. English name Butcher's broom (broom butcher) is derived from the historical use, tree branches were formerly collected and sold in bundles of butchers who used them as a broom to clean the blocks, which cut the meat. Polish name Ruszczyk - myszopłoch barbed, refers to the belief that this plant has the capacity to deter mice, and refers to the old habit of stacking and effective between the meat Ruszczyk. Also, its Italian name pungitopo (sting per mouse) refers to this property Ruszczyk. In Italy, he was suspended between the dried meat in order to deter mice. J lready Theophrastus, the Greek scholar and philosopher, describes the healing capabilities Ruszczyk as plants with nearly miraculous properties. It also mentions Dioscorides (Materia Medica) as a remedy for kidney stones, and Gaius Plinius Secundus (Historia naturalis). In the Middle Ages, this plant was known for its ability to remove heaviness in the legs caused by prolonged standing. Was especially recommended for women during menstruation or pregnancy. Ruszczyk also used in cases jaundice, gout, gallstones, and kidney, atherosclerosis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Until the fifties the twentieth century was only used in herbal medicine and natural medicine, but after tests conducted in France, is also considered conventional medicine's healing properties. It was confirmed that Ruszczyk is a material with many uses and properties, most importantly, however, is its activity in relation to the cardiovascular system. Ruszczyk gain from dried, whole or fragmented underground parts - Ruszczyk Rusci rhizome Rhizoma. According to the requirements of Pharmacopoeia VIII rhizome should contain not less than 1% per sapogenins ruscogenin (mixture neoruskogeniny and ruscogenin). K Ruszczyk link contains steroidal saponins (ruscyna, ruscogenin, neoruskogenina, ruscoside) also flavonoids, benzofuran, phytosterols (sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol), unsaturated fatty acids, triterpenes, coumarins, alkaloids, essential oil, minerals, resins. In ODERN studies have shown the importance of the rhizome as vasoprotectivum Ruszczyk and antihaemorrhoidales. Extract from increased wall tension Ruszczyk veins, reduces adhesion of leukocytes and polymorphonuclear cells to endothelium, extravasation of protein reduces the swelling, increases venous flow and pressure of the returning venous blood. Veins shrink effect is dose dependent, is enhanced by the heat, and particularly clear żylakowatymi vascular changes. The action is linked to the direct stimulation of postsynaptic receptors? -1 And? -2 And the release of norepinephrine from nerve endings. Is often used in combination with hesperidin, which reduces the permeability of capillaries. Ruszczyk Spiky was also tested with good results in a drop in pressure (orthostatic hypotension) when changing to standing position, causing dizziness or light-headedness. Ruszczyk significantly reduces negative symptoms, without any increase in pressure in contrast to other drugs used in this case. Ruszczyk barbed venous pressure raises your blood, increases blood vessel wall tension, increase blood flow in the veins and lymph circulation, prevents bottlenecks blood and lymph circulation, swelling and wysiękom, strengthens and seals blood vessels, constricts blood vessels. extracts were Ruszczyk for the treatment of renal veins and lymph vessels, in relieving the symptoms of allergies, varicose veins, edema of the limbs. They are suitable for long-term treatment of excessive permeability and fragility of blood vessels. It is also recommended to relieve symptoms associated with hemorrhoids (itching, burning). To strengthen the effect of the extract from Ruszczyk can be used in conjunction with the extract of horse chestnut (aescin inhibits hyaluronidase) - it complements their action and together work harder. This synergy is often used in the finished pharmaceutical preparations, which deliver relieve swollen, tired feet. In hungry and hydro-alcoholic extracts from the rhizomes Ruszczyk are used in medicine to treat hemorrhoids, inflammation of the skin and blood vessels. Saponins Ruszczyk strengthen and tone blood vessels, also have anti-inflammatory action. Their mechanism of action prevents excessive expansion of the vein, and in case of leaks krwawniczych tumors (hemorrhoids) loss from the ground outside. Anti-inflammatory and przeciwobrzękowo - eliminating the annoying itching and burning, which causes inflammation of the veins and stabilize the substrate, where the leg veins and haemorrhoids are embedded. D Obree effects from the use of Ruszczyk obtained with atherosclerosis, affecting the peripheral and strengthen capillary walls. Raw material also reduces cholesterol. It has cytotoxic properties and antihistamines. It prevents bleeding and vaginal plamieniom occurring during the use of oral contraceptives. Ruszczyk rhizome is also used as a mild diuretic. Because of the ability to prevent the penetration of liquids from the veins into surrounding tissues, increases the body's ability to filter through the kidneys and excreted in the urine. This property is used in relieving edema associated with menopause or certain cardiac problems. It is true that there are many other medicines that help in these problems, however, due to the lack of side effects Ruszczyk barbed enjoys considerable popularity in some countries. It is given in lithiasis of the bladder, the urine has stopped, as a diuretic. It is used in rheumatic disease. He is regarded as a natural remedy "blood cleansing" This action may be helpful for people with poisoning the body and slimming. In medicine, an official application was also received from Ruszczyk ruscogenin. It has przeciwwysiękowe properties, anti-inflammatory. Increases venous tension, improves circulation of venous blood, protects the structure of the blood and lymph vessels. Is an inhibitor of elastase. Ruscogenin part of the compound preparations, both oral and external use. Dosage: The recommended dose should contain 7-11 mg / day ruscogenin. D CTIVITIES effects: When using formulations containing an extract from Ruszczyk, you may notice increased sweating. Occasionally there may be abdominal discomfort and mild nausea (oral). Contraindications: Contraindications to the use of preparations of Ruszczyk are hypertension and prostate enlargement. There is insufficient information on contraindications in the use of Ruszczyk for children and pregnant and lactating women, but as always in these cases, caution is advisable.
  • wyciągiz marigold flowers, arnica or having anti-inflammatory activity; będąceskładnikami preparation HEMOCAL .
second Anti-inflammatory drugs including hydrocortisone - HEMCORT - HC , tribenozyd - Procto - GLYVENOL having udowodnionąskuteczność in reducing inflammation.
third Drugs miejscowoznieczulające , ie lidocaine, tetracaine, benzocaine, bringing temporary relief from pain and itching are complex składnikamipreparatów: Procto-GLYVENOL - suppositories, creams, Procto-HEMOLAN, SAPOVEN-T . However, these preparations must byćczęsto used because the short run. Some patients come to the states możeniekiedy allergic skin around the anus.
4th Środkiściągające (preparations containing bismuth, zinc, balsam of Peru), acting antibacterial, their mechanizmdziałania relies on the precipitation of surface proteins, so a protective layer over zostajewytworzona hemorrhoids, are components complex formulas: RECTOSEC, HEMORECTAL, HEMCORT-HC .
5th Lekizawierające semisynthetic derivative rutozydu - troxerutin, works exudation, uszczelniai relaxes blood vessel walls, is a component of preparations: TROXERATIO, TROXESCORBIN .
6th In addition to wyżejwspomnianych groups of drugs, offered several pharmacies are available preparations of propolis -counter suppositories hemorrhoids. However, before using this specyfiku, należysprawdzić, whether the patient is not allergic to bee products.
7th On rynkudostępne are suppositories and ointment POSTERISAN which contain an aqueous suspension of dead bakteriiEscherischia coli. Suppositories is used during the day, ointment at night. This drug stimulates the immune system's natural defenses iwspomaga to fight infection. The result of his działaniajest relieve itching and burning. Preparation POSTERISAN H, which also contains hydrocortisone, is the prescription.

New narynku sąurządzenia devices intended for the topical treatment of varicose veins odbytu.Przyrząd Hemor-RITE serves doleczenia hemorrhoids by cryotherapy (using a low temperature). Its use relieves itching, swelling, pain and effectively desensitizes izwęża dishes. It is designed to be reused, even for a period of 6months. P amiętajmy that these devices can be used only by one patient!
Pacjencicierpiący for hemorrhoids should not also forget the doustnejsuplementacji drugs, commonly used in the treatment of varicose veins kończyndolnych. Among the preparations are taking should be included such specifics as VARIXINAL, AESCIN, Esceven and takżepopularny DIOSMINEX .
lekówhomeopatycznych Supporters can buy the company's preparations Boiron - maśćlub AVENOC suppositories or manual Sanum-D3 ointment MUCOKEHL .

How To Make An Ultrasonic Fogger

Kac - the next day's syndrome

How fun is częstoteż alcohol. When you drink in moderation, after a boisterous night wspomnienia.Gorzej be nice if przeholujemy with alcohol. Awaits us the next day's syndrome, czylipopularny hangover. Then we wake up with a headache, a feeling of thirst, sensitivity to light and noise, and general weakness.

Acetaldehyde - the main culprit

Ethyl alcohol drink wchłaniasię rapidly and completely from the gastrointestinal tract and easily passes through cell membranes and gets a referral to the bloodstream. The basic process of absorption of alcohol occurs in the stomach (20 -25%) and small intestine (75 - 80%). As it is excreted unchanged zorganizmu slightly 2% in the urine, 2% of the exhaled air, and about 1% by evaporation. In more than 90% is metabolized in the liver oxidative poprzezmechanizmy mainly involving alcohol dehydrogenase and microsomal pewnychenzymów (microsomal ethanol oxidizing system). Alcohol impossible to be stored and must be metabolized. The human body zawieraprzynajmniej nine different forms of alcohol dehydrogenase, which differ sięnieznacznie their properties. Most of them originally found liver. The form of sigma was found in the stomach. This enzyme is composed of subunits zdwóch and what is important, you can combine the individual subunits of różnychenzymów to form active dimers. Ethanol is not the only substrate tychenzymów. They also make substantial modifications to retinol, steroids, fatty ikwasach. The variety of types of alcohol dehydrogenase gwarantujeto that it is always possible enzyme is ideal for the job, which is wykonać.Dehydrogenaza alcohol uses two molecular "tools" doprzeprowadzania reaction to alcohol. The first is a zinc atom, któryjest used to hold and a setting grupyalkoholowej in ethanol. The second is a large cofactor NAD (zprzekształcenia formed vitamin niacin) to carry out the reaction. Głównymmetabolitem is acetaldehyde, which is then oxidized to acetic octanu.Aldehyd can be toxic to the liver and other organs. Przekształceniealkoholu to acetaldehyde and then to acetate or acetyl-CoA wymagawytworzenia reduced NADH, which jest transportowany do wnętrzamitochondrium, zwiększając stosunek NADH/NAD i w ten sposób zwiększającpotencjał oksydo-redukcyjny wątroby. Metabolizm alkoholu przyczynia się doredukcji potencjału międzykomórkowego co przeszkadza w metabolizmie cukrów,lipidów oraz innych typów metabolizmu pośredniego. Utlenianie alkoholu jestpołączone z redukcją pirogronianu do mleczanu co powoduje powstawanienadmiernego stężenia kwasu moczowego we krwi, hipoglikemię oraz kwasicę.Utlenianie alkoholu jest połączone również z redukcją kwasu szczawiowego dojabłczanu. Co może tłumaczyć zmniejszoną aktywność cyklu kwasu cytrynowego,zmniejszoną glukogenezę and increased synthesis of fatty acids related zmetabolizmem alcohol. The concentration of a-glycerophosphate increases after spożyciualkoholu. Produced glycerol contributes to the increased syntezytriglicerydów and leads to hyperlipidemia. Although oxygen consumption after spożyciualkoholu remains at normal levels, it is the transfer of the processes zużyciatlenu distribution of fatty acids into the decomposition process dooctanu alcohol. This transfer may explain the reduced lipid oxidation orazzwiększoną synthesis of ketones listed after drinking alcohol. Metabolism alkoholumoże cause również lokalne podwyższenie metabolizmu w wątrobie, prowadzącdo uszkodzeń w strefie 3 (strefa wokół końcowych żyłek wątrobowych) spowodowanychniedotlenieniem. Efektem sieciowym jest zmniejszony stanoksydacyjno-redukcyjny, zahamowana synteza białek oraz zwiększona peroksydacjalipidów.

Leczenie kaca

Preparatydostępne na polskim rynku zawierają składniki, które wpływają na zwiększenieefektywności i przyspieszenie przemian metabolicznych alkoholu. Przyspieszającutlenianie acetaldehyde to carbon dioxide and water, causing żeobjawy associated with the presence of acetaldehyde (headache, nausea and vomiting, flushing, sleepiness) are greatly reduced.
Kwasbursztynowy and fumaric acid - a substance naturally present in every living cell, responsible inter alia for energy processes which are involved wkomórkowym energy conversion cycle, called the Krebs cycle. Are needed wprocesie generate energy for all the chemical transformations zachodzącychw body and their concentration depends on the efficiency these processes. Przyspieszającykl cellular respiration, and enzymatic conversion of acetaldehyde SATISFACTORY imbalance of oxidation - reduction.
Amino - L - cysteine, L - glycine and monosodium glutamate are involved wsyntezie protein structures. Proteins are components of enzymes necessary doprzeprowadzenia catalytic transition process alcohol in the body.
Pochodnącysteiny is N-acetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(ACC, Tussicom, Fluimucil), which przyspieszaprzemianę acetaldehyde in the body and therefore can be used as a "medicine" to the above symptoms.
Taurine acid (2-aminoetanosulfonowy) considered as an amino acid, although it does not have a carboxyl group is the end product degradacjicysteiny.
Bardzoważną biochemical function of taurine conjugation of bile from the liver przedwydaleniem them. Formed bile salts - taurochenodeoksycholowy taurocholowyi acid. This increases the solubility of bile acids and coza consequently improves their emulsifying fats in the light of przewodupokarmowego. accelerates muscle recovery after exercise. Taurine jestskładnikiem dostępnych na rynku napojów energetyzujących, takich jak RedBull , Tiger , 2KC drink  
Żeń- szeń -stymuluje wydzielanie enzymów biorących udział w procesie przemian alkoholu,wzmacnia siły witalne organizmu.
Witaminy z grupy B - biorą udział w procesach energetycznych przemian worganizmie.
Cynk - jest składnikiem enzymów biorących udział w utlenianiu alkoholu.
Kwas askorbinowy (witamina C) - naturalny antyoksydant i wymiataczwolnych rodników. Enhances the effects of other antioxidants. It is not wytwarzanyprzez body and must be constantly replenished.
Glucose - a simple sugar, it provides an easily comprehensible energiichemicznej, needed to effectively carry out procesówmetabolicznych.
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Składnikiemczynnym preparation is acetylsalicylic acid, which removes ailments bóloweo light and moderate intensity such as headache (also found in nadkwaśnościżołądka accompanying kacowi), myalgia (including feelings of ogólnegorozbicia). Preparation of the reconstituted form an effective buffer system (citric zawierakwas and sodium bicarbonate), neutralizing stomach contents through czemułagodzi symptoms associated with hyperacidity. The solution is dissociated, AT THE TIME, it avoids the risk of direct irritation of the mucous membrane of acetylsalicylic acid molecule żołądkaprzez. Appendix sodowegoalkalizującego urine citrate excretion increases salicylates.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Soul Silver Rom For Mac Emu

Make a wish by NewlifeDreamsDesigns

There A sugary Geburtstagskit it at NewlifeDreamsDesigns.



Make a wish by NewlifeDreamsDesigns @ A5D
Photos by Andrea Jüttner-Lohmann -
used with permission

GSO - Thank you so much, dida1357 !

Destanation Wedding Thank You Wording

Lemonade Stand by HGD by LaurieAnn & Nikki Beaudreau & Template by WendyP Designs

A magical Collab have Laurie Ann and Nikki Beaudreau in the shop brought.

your it gets here .


Lemonade Stand by HGD by Nikki Beaudreau & LaurieAnn @ A5D
Green Spring Part 3 by WendyP Designs @ 7th Heaven
Photo by Wojciech Gajda -
GSO - Thank you so much, dida1357 !

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Colors That Go With Red & Purple Flowers

Another cup of coffee by Novaczka Designs & Template-Collab by Cornelia Designs & Tinci Designs

Novaczkas new kit is called "Another cup of coffee".

you get It here .

for my LO I'm also a template of the Collabs "Summer Magic" by Cornelia styles and designs Tinci taken.

Here you will get it.


Another cup of coffee by design Novaczka @ 7th Heaven
Summer Magic Collab by Cornelia designs & styles Tinci @ 7th Heaven

Photos by Patrycja Baczkowska -

used with permission

GSO - Thank you so much, kathitownz !

Dt101r Driver Windows 7

Mom in the Garden by MDesigns & Template by WendyP Designs

MDesign WendyP and designs are now new matters brought out.




Mom in the garden by MDesign @ 7th Heaven
Green Spring Part 3 by WendyP Designs @ 7th Heaven

Photo by Pink Ice Photography -

used with permission

GSO - Thank you so much, FILIPPOK !

‎milena Velba Clips

Adventures at the seashore by Kandi Designs & Valentina's Creations

Kandi Designs and Valentina's Creations have today is a sweet car-kit brought to the shop.

you get it here .


Adventures at the seashore by Kandi Designs & Valentina's Creations @ 7th Heaven
Photo by Jaimie Duplass -

GSO - Thank you so much, * Joanne * !

Monday, May 23, 2011

Is It Safe To Get A Waxking 24 Hrs After Tanning

Tiptoe Thru The Garden by Kristin Aagard & Charlize Creations

Recently, I've won this wonderful Collab.

you get it here and here.


Tiptoe Through The Garden by Kristin Aagard & Charlize Creations @ A5D &
Green Spring Part 2 Freebie by WendyP Designs

WordArt by Mediterranka

Photo by Baby Face Photography -
used with permission

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Eddie Van Halen Still Smoke

liver - the body's chemical factory

is the main organ responsible for the synthesis of substances for the body and the largest "chemical factory" of the human body. In the spiritual equivalent of the liver is the center of the physical transformation of matter. Many functions such as production and accumulation of energy and detoxify the body. Although it has a high regenerative capacity, it is exposed to many diseases. They are they are already well known, hence the large amount of drugs, mainly herbal, available in pharmacies.


liver is the largest organ in our body, built from thousands of cells called hepatocytes. Plays an important role in the digestive system, excretory secretory and participating in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Of particular importance is the generation of bile is necessary for digestion of fats and fibrinogen involved in the process of blood clotting. In addition, the liver stores iron and vitamins A, D, E, small amounts of B12 and C, which releases as necessary and, through the blood filtration, allows purification of the body of toxins and harmful waste products. Despite the enormous regenerative capacity of hepatocytes, they are too large reduces the load on physiological functions and the entire liver failure, which due to its functions performed, can have serious consequences for the whole of our body and even life-threatening.

Co. threatening liver and what steps should be taken to protect it?
Liver disease is one of the most common illnesses. Most of those affected are not even aware of the disease, until a very advanced stage. The first sign that the liver is broken we are bloating after meals, nausea, satiety, and stinging or pain on the right side of the abdomen under the ribs radiating up. The signs of chronic liver disease may include: weakness, fatigability, lack of appetite, skin lesions and anemia, and disorders blood clotting. Apart from this there may be menstrual disorders and fertility in women and in men decrease the potency and feminization symptoms (implying the presence of female characteristics in males such as changing body shape and appearance of the genitalia, increasing vocal range, as a result of a hormonal disorder) .

Causes of liver failure

show cause liver failure can be:
· poor diet (too rich and fatty food),
· alcohol abuse,
· abuse or chronic treatment of certain drugs (phenytoin, paracetamol, diclofenac, fluconazole, erythromycin, amiodarone, statins, ranitidine),
· ; environmental toxins (chlorine and heavy metals contaminating the water),
· viruses (viral - hepatitis - type A, B, C, E, cytomegalovirus),
· parasites (liver fluke),
· poisoning (toxins from fungi, rotten food).

prevention of liver diseases

Due to the fact that many of these factors can not completely eliminate, might be interested in prevention of liver diseases for which we include:

first Easily digestible diet, rich in coarse bread, fruits and vegetables that contain unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.

second Reducing the number of fatty and fried dishes for stewed, boiled and baked.

third Meals eaten slowly, regularly (4-5 a day) and within a reasonable quantities.

4th Avoiding excess salt (for seasoning foods with herbs), spices and sugar (by replacing it with fruit and vegetable snacks).

5th Maintaining an appropriate weight for age and height or dropping excess weight.

6th Maintaining good hygiene, especially frequent hand washing, fruit and vegetables before consumption.

7th Reducing the amount of alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks and smoking cessation.

8th Use only the necessary medicines, by the time needed to heal.

9th Control tests during pharmacotherapy (some antibiotics, oral contraceptives).

10.Stosowanie preparations containing building blocks of natural substances, to accelerate the regeneration and supporting the work of the liver.

remember that it is much easier to prevent liver disease than cure!

What ingredients include preparations used during liver ailment?
Favourable results in treatment and prevention of liver diseases can be achieved using drugs of natural origin.

include preparations containing:

extract from milk thistle seed Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn .
milk thistle fruit Fructus Silybi Maria are pharmaceutical raw material. In the dry husk of the seed and pericarp of fruit plant accumulates silymarin [Cappelletti and Caniato]. Silymarin is the collective term flavonolignans group, ie compounds belonging to flavonoids. They are relatively rare in plants. The silymarin include: silybin in two isomeric forms A and B (a complex known as silibinin), izosylibina in two isomeric forms A and B (the so-called complex. izosylibininy) sylikrystyna (syn. sylichrystyna) and sylidianina (syn. sylidionina). Therapeutic effect in relation to the liver is mainly attributed sylibinie. There have also been other forms flavonolignans, such as 2.3-and 2.3-dehydrosylibina dehydrosylikrystyna and other flawonolignany, including sylimonina, sylandrina [Kohlmünzer, Morazzoni and Bombardelli]. Silymarin content of the fruit ranges from 1.0 to 3.3%. Milk cultivated in Poland contains 0.8-1.0% silybin, 0.6-0.9% sylikrystyny, izosylibiny 0.2-0.4%, 0.3-0.5% sylidianiny. In the initial stage of the production of silymarin pericarp is separated from the material Backup achenes. The supplementary material comes mainly fat (30%), protein (24%) and carbohydrates. The oil is dominated by linolenic acid (53%), belonging to the essential fatty acids (EFA). Among the predominant saturated fatty acid palmitic acid (8.5%). The basic amino acid protein is glutamic acid (18.2%). The share of essential amino acids is on average 29 g in 100 g of protein [Andrews and K. Sadowska]. In
Milk belongs to a group of medicinal plants, whose effects on the body human body is very well documented. Among herbal remedies, the largest market share medicines containing silymarin used in liver diseases. Flawonolignany exert antyhepatotoksyczne and protective to the liver. The mechanism of this action is based on stabilizing the membranes of hepatocytes and niedopuszczaniu to connect to the toxins from the cell surface. Presumably sylimarin influences stimulate liver cell ribosomal RNA and protein synthesis increases hepatocydowych. Silymarin leads to stabilization of mast cells, protects against radiation which causes inhibition of hepatic and splenic DNA and RNA [Morazzoni and Bombardelli]. Also exhibits antagonistic action in relation to the Amanita toxins sromotnikowego: falotoksyn and amatotoksyn [Kohlmünzer]. Detoxicates reflected a reduction of bilirubin in the blood and normalizing parameters (AST, ALT, GGT) [Fowler, Sadowska A.]. Preparations containing complex flavonolignans are recommended for long-term treatment of liver diseases caused by alcoholism, as well as in the treatment of viral hepatitis A, B and C. There are no side effects in the treatment of silymarin, even at high doses, is of particular importance in the treatment of chronic diseases liver [Hu et al.]. Liver poisoning may result from taking potent drugs such as cytotoxic drugs in cancer therapy, antiviral drugs to treat AIDS, and antibiotics. Silymarin may prevent liver dysfunction and alleviate side effects of drug therapy. Particularly important is the lack of interaction between silymarin and synthetic drugs [Hu et al.]. On grounds of cytoprotective activity, and anti-inflammatory antykancerogenną, sylimarin may have applications in dermatology and skin protection [Bhatia et al., Li et al.]. Preparations: SYLIMAROL, SYLITRAX, SYLIFLEX, SYLICYNAR, Verdin, SYLIVERIN .

herb artichoke extract

in the treatment of diseases associated with impaired functioning of the liver, sometimes as often used artichoke Cynara scolymus, a plant of the family Compositae complex. Green is a perennial plant, originally from North Africa - from Ethiopia, and later in Egypt - from whence it came to southern Europe. The plant was known and appreciated now in all major countries of ancient Europe and Africa - in Rome, Greece and Egypt. Today it is cultivated widely in Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil and the southern United States. Cynara name comes from the Latin word Cinara, borrowed from the Greek (Kinara), meaning the prickly plant. Also, the second part of the name, Latin scolymus, comes from the Greek skolos, or blade. Part of the plant are edible flower shoots, thinned from July to first frosts. Suitable for consumption flower shoots well educated, with a minimum diameter of 6 - 8 cm But shortly before that when they start to grow, because the open and dark no longer fit to eat. Edible are also bleached petioles. These prized artichoke edible parts do not contain bitter compounds that are present in the leaves and stem odziomkowych used for many years in therapy. Over the centuries, although mentioned by him in his work by Pliny the Elder and Galen (ca. 130-ca. 200), an artichoke was known only as a vegetable for the elect. The first report of its valuable medicinal properties from the year 1716, when Alexander Nicholas, a monk of the Benedictine Order concluded that the use of artichoke leaf gives good results in the treatment of jaundice. In the nineteenth century, artichoke has been used in folk medicine as a means for the treatment of ascites water and rheumatic disorders. However, the greatest success in the treatment of artichoke began after World War II. Last twenty years is the time intensify scientific research in the field of Phytochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and clinical studies on this species. The result of these studies confirm the therapeutic effectiveness of Cynara scolymus, medicinal preparations were marketed. Active substances, which owes its artichoke valuable properties Treatment can be divided into four main groups. The first is making up about 2% of the fraction of phenolic acids, containing the most important compound as a raw material cynaryna acid (1,5-dikawoilochninowy). Another group of compounds are flavonoids, derivatives luteoliny, including cynarozyd, or luteolino-7 glucoside. Another group of active compounds are sesquiterpene lactones, derivatives guaianolidowe (cynaropikryna and cynarolid), which are potent goryczami. In karczochu triterpenes are also present, among whom may be mentioned taraxasterol, stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol. Such a big group of active substances are responsible for multidirectional pharmacological activity. Extracts from the plants act żółciotwórczo (cholereticum), stimulating the liver cells to increase production of cholesterol, and then converting it into bile acids, which are the main components of bile. Acting relaxant effect on the gallbladder and bile ducts, operate cholagogic (cholagogum). In this case, the artichoke is a very valuable drug, because the increased flow of bile from 127% to 150%. Do not forget the protective effect on liver cells (hepatoprotectivum remedy), as confirmed in numerous studies both in human hepatocytes, as well as animal, carried out in vitro and in vivo. If we add to this effect antycholesterolowe (hipocholesterolemicum remedy), especially for lower levels of LDL (so-called bad cholesterol), it is not surprising that the therapeutic effects of extracts are combined with acids, mono-and di-kawoilochinowymi - cynaryną and phenol - coffee and chlorogenic . It is also important that the administration of equivalent experimental animals, in relation to the content in the extract, the dose of chlorogenic acid did not lead to a protective effect żółciopędnym whether the liver, which was confirmed not only biochemical but also pathological. This indicates that although the derivatives of caffeic acid have a significant impact on the healing properties of leaves of artichokes, but this alone is not administered therapeutically effective. This favorable characteristic phenomenon of the entire team of active substances derived from medicinal plants, rather than individual, isolated the substance, he argues about the mysterious nature of genius and still little knowledge of the composition of these extracts. Action Bile Artichoke Commission E concluded by recommending the use of its preparations in chronic liver and gall bladder, in an amount of 3 g day.
Preparations: CYNAREX, DIGESTIOL, artichoke and other

Extract Boldo orcish

Orc dwupiennym Boldo is a shrub or tree with thin branches with heart-shaped leaves naprzeciwległymi strongly aromatic. It occurs in parts of Chile and Peru on the mountain slopes. Medicinal raw material are listed.
active compounds in the leaves Boldo Orczy:
- a group of alkaloids aporfinowych (0.2% -0.5%) - about 12 compounds, mainly boldyna, leurotetanina and laurolitsina
- a group of flavonoids (0.1%) - including peumozyd, boldozyd, fragozyd
- essential oil (2% -3%) contain substantial amounts of cinerolu, askarydolu and cymolu.
Boldyna - the main ingredient of the medicinal Orczy Boldo
ABC knowledge boldynie
Boldyna, or 2,6-dihydroxy-3 ,5-dimetoksyaporfina is the main alkaloid in the leaves Boldo Orczy - Peumus boldus. This substance was isolated in 1872
by Bourgoin. Published many years researching this compound showed that it has the following properties:
medicinal properties boldyny:
- bile (cholereticum), because it stimulates hepatocytes to increase hepatic production of bile;
- diastolic (antispasmodicum) - on the smooth muscles, particularly in the bile duct and intestinal tract;

- hepatoochronne (hepatoprotectivum) - protecting the hepatic parenchyma from internal toxins and the harmful oxygen free radicals. This antioxidant effect is strong enough to protect the liver, because the body is subject boldyna pharmacokinetic first-order processes, as given orally is rapidly resorbed and preferentially accumulates in the liver, where it reaches an effective concentration;
- Diuretics (diureticum) - increases the volume of urine, along with it soluble in water environment necessary metabolic compounds - including al. uric acid.
boldyny daily dose is 3-4 mg, divided into portions. Boldyna is used as the active ingredient in preparations of liver and gastro-intestinal tract, usually in combination with other substances interacting synergistically.

therapeutic effect of extracts from the Orc Boldo:
a. bile and diastolic blood pressure;
effect on the gallbladder and bile ducts and sphincter Oddiego in the duodenum, facilitating the flow bile to the intestine;
b. Stimulating appetite (stomachicum);
performance by increasing the secretion of gastric juice and bile flow following stimulation of action digestion and absorption of fatty substances and other fat-soluble compounds (such as certain vitamins, cholesterol);
c. diuretic (diureticum);
action is dependent on the presence of flavonoids in the raw material and essential oil, which is strong disinfectants on the properties of the urinary tract. Only the alcoholic extracts of leaves contain essential oil orcish.
d. Scope of the medicinal product:
Orczy Boldo extracts are used in a weakened liver function, reduced ability to produce the necessary quantities of bile, gall bladder operations weakening, dyskinezie biliary and gastrointestinal symptoms after removal of the gallbladder, and in a variety of symptoms suggestive of dyspepsia - including bloating, abdominal pain, belching, bad taste in the mouth, nausea.
e. Dosage Boldo extracts Orczy:
According to the German Commission E daily intake of leaves is orcish 3 g or equivalent amount of milk. The contraindications are: sensitivity to ingredients, biliary obstruction, renal failure and acute inflammation and ulceration of the stomach and intestines.

Combination preparations: BOLDOVERA (boldyna, alony dry extract, dry extract of the herb smokebox) BOLDALOIN (dry extract of the herb smokebox, boldyna).

long extract curcuma (turmeric)

Turmeric is a plant widely used as a cooking spice turmeric Curcuma longa. Less well-known name of this plant, belonging to the ginger family Zingiberoceae is curcuma long. This is one of the most famous raw spices, originating from Asia, mainly used as an ingredient in curry. The rhizome of turmeric contains the main body of the active curcumin, which is the dominant compound in a mixture of yellow dyes kurkuminoidów. The raw material are also present essential oil (in its composition bisabolen, gwajan, zingiberen, ksantorizal, kurkumen and turmeron), starch, mineral salts and acid Ferulic, a breakdown product of curcumin, which is its dimeric derivative. Curcumin is used as a stomachic № medicine, as it stimulates the hepatic parenchyma to increased secretion of bile and facilitates the flow of bile, which prevents the formation of gallstones. Measure raw complementary anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant properties. The rhizome of turmeric prevents metastasis through inhibition of metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors increase the level of these enzymes. There is also a factor in angiogenesis agent, because it inhibits transcription of the two main factors, taking participation in the process of creating new blood vessels that supply the growing tumor, or vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF and bFGF (fibroblast growth factor). In addition, prevents the initiation of angiogenesis, by reducing the concentration of NO in blood vessels. An additional advantage, making it appealing for the use of turmeric rhizomes in anticancer therapy is the low toxicity, which is characterized by a raw material.

Preparations: VERDI N , SOLA REN

Phospholipids from soya beans provide the basic building blocks of cell membranes without which hepatocytes could not fulfill their functions. Particularly important is the one contained in preparations of fractions of phospholipids - phosphatidylcholine, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids to ensure the proper structure and biophysical properties of cell membranes and lipoproteins transport fats in the blood and lowering triglycerides (an anti). Moreover, it is a precursor of important biological molecules. Indications for the use of such preparations are all kinds of liver damage (caused by alcohol, some drugs or toxic substances, and the result of having suffered infectious jaundice), and cholelithiasis and functional impairment of bile ducts. There are also work indicating that they may have a protective effect in some inflammatory gastrointestinal tract. Medicines containing phospholipids are safe to use, does not interact with other drugs and do not accumulate in the body. Adverse reactions that can cause, usually limited to mild disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.


amino acids (mainly L-arginine and L-ornithine, thiazolidin acid converts the L-cysteine) accelerate detoxification processes, supporting the process of synthesizing urea from ammonia and favorably affect the metabolism of proteins , fat and carbohydrates in the body. High concentrations of ammonia poisons the body, preventing the energy metabolism and reduces brain activity. Positive effects of the protective effect of arginine and ornithine are particularly important in the case of living in a polluted environment, alcohol and large quantities of drugs (particularly anti-cancer, antituberculous).

Combination preparations:

Raphacholin C (extract of artichoke, dehydrocholic acid, peppermint oil, dry extract of black radish root, activated carbon)

Raphacholin FORTE (dry extract black radish root, peppermint oil, acid dehydrocholic)

Verdin COMPLEX (artichoke extract, rosemary extract)

SYLIMAFORT, HEPATOBON (extract of artichoke extract, milk thistle seed)

GASTROBON (extract from the root and herb dandelion, artichoke extract)

is also preferred the use of formulas enriched with B vitamins: B 1, B 2, B 6 and PP - are important in normal metabolic processes such as
SYLIVIT, LIVIT (extract from milk thistle, vitamin)
HEPATIL VIT (amino acids, vitamins)
Doppelherz ACTIV the liver (extract of artichoke, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins)
HEPASON COMPLEX (extract of artichoke, vitamins)

How to prevent and treat diseases of the liver and gall bladder?

· dyspepsia (indigestion) associated with a deficiency of bile (difficult absorption of fat, flatulence, constipation) - Preparations Bile, bile, relaxant action (combinations work best), for example BOLDOVERA, SYLIMAFORT, hepato PROTECT HEPATOBON, GASTROBON

· ; inflammation of bile ducts and gallbladder, gallstones, and the associated biliary colic, cholecystectomy - Bile and bile preparations provided the permeability of the bile ducts, (recommended preparations are complex and contain vitamins) such BOLDOVERA, SYLIMAFORT, hepato PROTECT HEPATOBON, GASTROBON, HEPATIL VIT, Doppelherz ACTIV, HEPASON and preparations of phospholipids and amino acids such as ESENTIALE FORTE, FORTE ESSELIV, HEPATIL ESS

· toxic and drug-induced liver injury (eg postalcohol liver damage), chronic hepatitis, steatosis and cirrhosis of the liver - preparations of phospholipids and amino acids such as ESSENTIAL FORTE, FORTE ESSELIV, HEPATIL

· prophylaxis (bodybuilding diet, high protein) and during convalescence after diseases of liver - phospholipid preparations and amino acids such as ESSENTIAL FORTE, FORTE ESSELIV, HEPATIL, HEPATILVIT

How to use preparations containing substances to support my liver?

Always read the leaflet included with the product and follow the information contained therein. Preparations should not be used after expiry date.
preparation of the action and żółciotwórczym żółciopędnym best used after a meal, usually temporarily, in case of complaints. Does not apply to patients after surgery to remove gall bladder (cholecystectomy), which should use these drugs chronically.

For the effect of liver regeneration, it is necessary preparations for a regular intake of at least 2-3 months (in the case of phospholipids up to 12 months) at doses provided by the manufacturer for a particular disease or prescribed by a doctor . Prolonged use of assistive liver preparations, while maintaining the recommended dosage, not associated with the occurrence of life-threatening side effects. It is even necessary, since the use of smaller doses or taking a shorter time will not achieve the expected benefits.

How should eat people with liver disease?

should be to minimize the intake of animal fat, spices, certain vegetables and fruits and alcohol. Diet should be rich in protein and carbohydrates.
To avoid unpleasant symptoms as bloating or reflection it is divided into smaller meals instead of 3 and 5 meals to eat.

Milk and dairy products contain valuable protein, but some of its products (such as yellow or melted cheese, blue cheeses, butter and cream) is rich in fats and their consumption may be a cause of pain in patients with cholelithiasis. Therefore, it is better to drink skimmed milk (ie 0% fat), low fat cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir.

in patients with liver disease is contraindicated eating greasy pork, smoked meats and canned fish and high in fat and hot spices. The best eat meat products, poultry and veal or lean pork in the form of cooked, baked or stewed. Do not eat meat fried in fat and battered.

complaints from the liver may also occur after eating cake with cream, cakes and chocolate. However, you can eat small amounts of biscuits, cookies and biscuits and jelly.

contraindicated with vegetables are cabbage, onion, garlic, peas and beans on the fruits of pears and plums. Other Fruit is best eaten in the form of purees, juices, well without the addition of shredded salad cream or mayonnaise. Often, abdominal distension and pain symptoms in patients with cholelithiasis are not caused by eating vegetables, but the additives used to them just like mayonnaise or cream, or hot spices. You can also cook vegetables steamed or boiled and eaten as cooked without added butter.