Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Please Please Make Me Pregnant

Gucza. Duel in the trumpet


literature, theater, film and related areas of culture largely based on references to works created before. One of the most frequently used references to such writers is William Shakespeare, and most often used is the drama of the song "Romeo and Juliet." Just to mention a line Norwid "in Verona," along with his arrangements of music and American musical "West Side Story."

is not the only musical based on the Shakespearean play. Later, but no less interesting work of this kind is Serbian musical film "Guca. Duel on the trumpet," originated in 2006. One of my colleagues told me long ago that there are two kinds of films that can easily be viewed as the sound itself in an unfamiliar language, namely, fairy tales and porn. I personally think that this category also include należyć musicals. "Gucza" I watched the Serbian, the language that I do not know (Except, of course, a rudimentary knowledge of the resulting similarity to other, more or less familiar, Slavic languages), and I certainly do not sense that something important escapes me.

movie is very simple. Gucza title is a small town in western Serbia, which is held annually the largest in the Balkans, and perhaps around the world trumpet festival. One of the contestants is a young Gypsy, Romeo, who fell in love with the reciprocal a Serbian girl, Juliana. Julian's father called from his ability to play the trumpet Saczmo (a pseudonym used by Louis Armstrong) is opposed by the union. But I promise to give Gypsy girl, if he beats him Guczy. The last part of the film takes place in the authentic setting of the festival, where he wins Romeo.Nawiązania to Shakespeare is not only obvious, but even particularly emphasized, if only through the choice of names of main characters. There are also significant differences, resulting, inter alia, the specific circumstances of the Balkans. Young people are here so not so much, and perhaps not only to the feuding families, the feuding, or at least reluctant peoples themselves. There are also differences in relation to the original story of the species under the Convention. In contrast to the "Romeo and Juliet," "Duel in the trumpet ends well, which is quite common in musicals, which are sui generis tales for adults.


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