Czech culture in Poland is fairly well known, but also somewhat selectively. Overall, her knowledge is greater than the Hungarian and Ukrainian (and not much less than the German or Russian. It is wrong when it comes to literature. At least four of Czech writers: Jaroslaw Haszek, Charles Czapek, Bogumil Hrabal and Milan Kundera. Ceske movies Poland is often seen, except that rather niche clusters.
most complicated is the situation with music. Of course, quite commonly known are the three biggest Czech composers of classical music - Anton Dvorak, Friedrich Smetana and Janacek Leon. Equally well known are the biggest Czech pop artists from the seventies and eighties of last century - Charles Gott and Helena Vondráčková. Some niche popularity is also in our late Bard Prague Spring - Charles Krill. Unfortunately, it is much worse with the contemporary music scene, which, except for one Jaromir Nohavica, remains completely unknown. I admit that I did not, as yet, nothing to change this negative situation. So far only two times I wrote about the Czech culture, and it's not about music, and once again on the radio and film. I think it's time I started to repair this omission.
Born in 1980, Lucy Vondračkowa, the niece of Helen, is one of the most interesting of the younger generation of Czech singers. It is not only the singer but an actress. As for a place in the music scene, to some simplification can be compared to our Ania Dabrowska. But unlike the Poles, Vondráčková not limited to jazzującego pop, but boldly goes back to the other genres and it's so distant from one another, like rock and club music. But that's not the end. It reaches the parts of American species virtually unknown in Poland, and Czech enjoy some popularity, as the folk in the American sense (which, to distinguish them from the folk in the Polish meaning, I will henceforth called amfolkiem), gospel, or bluegrass. All of these styles can be found on the album titled May Day, released in 2003, and has recently resumed a series of Nejprodávanějši alba. As a result, the stylistic diversity, there is quite a mix of exotic, which, especially at the first hearings, gives the impression some inconsistencies, which in turn is associated with another Polish singer moving in similar climates, namely, Margo. But in the case Vondráčková, inconsistencies that impression fades after just hearing her music, which reflects well on this class artist. Her music is high and the temperature is fairly representative of the ambitious Czech contemporary mainstream pop, so you should be acquainted with its plates.
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