Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nj State Temporary Disability

Stabat Mater is one of four sequential present not only in the liturgical books Extraordinary Form, but also in the Roman Missal of Pope Paul VI. It is designed to sing on the day of Our Lady of Sorrows - September 15. The normal form of the Roman Rite is optional, and mandatory emergency. In both forms, also serves the role of passion and the songs are performed during Lent.

author is a sequence of words Jacopone da Todi , Franciscan poet and mystic who lived in the thirteenth century. Stabat Mater music to compose, among others: Louis Boccherini, Anton Dvorak, Jozef Elsner, Joseph Haydn, Jodok des Prés, Zoltán Kodály, Jan da Palestrina, Krzysztof Penderecki, John Pergolesi, Francis Poulenc, Rossini Joachim, Dominic Joseph Scarlatti, Franz Schubert , Karol Szymanowski, Joseph Verdi, Antoni Vivaldi

Latin Text:

Stabat mater dolorosa juxta Crucem lacrimosa, dum pendebat Filius.

Cujus animam gementem, contristatam et dolentem, pertransivit gladius.

O quam tristis et afflicta fuit illa benedicta Mater Unigeniti.

Quae moerebat et dolebat, Pia Mater cum videbat Nati poenas incliti.

Quis est homo qui non fleret, Matrem Christi si videret in tanto supplicio?

Quis non posset contristari, Christi Matrem contemplari dolentem cum Filio?

Pro peccatis suae gentis vidit Jesum in tormentis et flagellis subditum.

Vidit suum dulcem natum moriendo desolatum, dum emisit spiritum.

Eia Mater, fons amoris, me sentire vim doloris fac, ut tecum lugeam.

Fac ut ardeat cor meum in amando Christum Deum, ut sibi complaceam.

Sancta mater, istud agas, crucifixi fige plagas cordi meo valide.

Tui nati vulnerati, tam dignati pro me pati, poenas mecum divide.

Fac me tecum pie flere, crucifixo condolere, donec ego vixero.

Iuxta crucem tecum stare, et me tibi sociare in planctu desidero.

Virgo virginum praeclara, mihi iam non sis amara: fac me tecum plangere.

Fac ut portem Christi mortem, passionis fac consortem, et plagas recolere.

Fac me plagis vulnerari, fac me cruce inebriari, et cruore Filii.

Flammis ne urar succensus per te Virgo, sim defensus in die judicii

Christe, cum sit hinc exire, da per matrem me venire ad palmam victoriae.

Quando corpus morietur, fac ut animae donetur Paradisi gloria.

Stabat Mater w tłumaczeniu tradycyjnym:

Stoi Matka obolała , Łzy pod krzyżem przepłakała, Gdy na krzyżu Syn jej mrze.
Jakże the soul is troubled, saddened, cloudy, till it poprzeszywał sword.
How sad and troubled mother of this blessed to have begotten.
I did not break up the dying That pious, the one and only seeing death.
What a man, which does not cry when my mother sees this in such a torment, a

who fondly Pain unable to sympathize with the Mother of the Son of pain? Is there such a heart who?
Sees Mother: Son, Jesus Whips Her adopted and moved the cross for human sin calutki. He sees his sweet
Rodzone Yes fatally abandoned, as the last breath loses.
Mother, a source of loving Give me strength joint pain thy stand, Thy grievances. Heart
a liking to, U of Christ to love God, my heart matters is you.
Mother Christmas, let it nailed, and Ill Let your allowance is.
Make me worthy to simplify, Issuance, anguish with your Rodzonego wounds. Give
of thy pious tears Have your pain with the Crucified One, While it does not take over me.
Let the Cross I stand with you, Let your tears be my tears That thy want.
Virgin Maidens of the brightest, I already do not be painful, and Just let me cry pour. Let Christ's death
I move, I can take the passion to help, let it go again.
Take me beaten, wounded, raised, przpojonym Cross of the Son, the Son of blood.
flame of fire does not burn me: The brightest save me, for this final court.
Christ, and when and you wyjrzysz, by his mother, and let me come to winning your palm

And when the body is dead, Bring it Your soul will be given to the glories of heaven Fully multi. Amen.

Stabat Mater in the translation of Leopold Staff:

first grieving mother stood at the foot of the cross , in tears the whole, when it hung in the Son.
second And in her full groan of the soul, from torment and anguish, stuck a sharp sword of our wines.
third How sad and worried it was blessed, from which is born of God.
4th How to suffer and hurt, how trembled when she saw her child's death among the terror.
5. Which man does not cry, seeing the passion and despair of Our Lady in this grief?
6th Who from sadness to stop, the light before the eyes of his mother, who suffers from his son?
7th He sees the human suffering of guilt removes the only Son, Jesus-like whips him bat.
8th Dying alone sees fruit of her pure body, and giving their lives for this world.
9th Mother, fountain love something, Take my pain that I may hurt her you could.
10th Let my heart is burning, To my joy was to love you - Christ is God.
11th Mother Christmas, severe wounds, Which abolished the Crucified, engrave firmly in my soul.
12th Passion, Son rodzonego, what he suffered for the sake of my, to share with me they wanted.
13th I want to cry in thy vicinity of Suffering What died on the cross after an end to my life.
14th I want to stand under the cross with you, with you unite in mourning, I shed tears springs.
15th Pure Virgin of virgins, let your goodness, give me a cry of grief with you al.
16th I was dying along with him, his passion was painting, his wounds in itself felt.
17th Let my blood hurts a bunch, let me Passion Cross revels and blood of your Son.
18th In a fire, Miss, do not let me burn, So take me in his defense, when you receive the wrath of the court.
19th When the end of days before me state, By Thy Mother come to me, Lord, to give the palm of victory.
20th When my body dies, let her soul to the glory of your eternal paradise awaits. Amen

At the end, as usual, a few recordings from youtube:

Stabat Mater John the Baptist performed Pergolesi Katia Ricciarelli

Stabat Mater Antoni Vivaldi performed Andrew Scholl

Stabat Mater John da Palestrina performed by an unknown

Stabat Mater gregoriańskie w wykonaniu mnichów z Opactwa św. św. Maurycego i Maura w Chervaux

Stabat Mater Karola Szymanowskiego w wykonaniu Elżbiety Szmytki

Stabat Mater Józefa Haydna w wykonaniu Warszawskiego Chóru Chłopięcego

Stabat Mater Arvo Part performed by a collective

Growth On Thumb Knuckle Not Wart

"May Day" Lucia Vondráčková

Łucja Vondrackova

Czech culture in Poland is fairly well known, but also somewhat selectively. Overall, her knowledge is greater than the Hungarian and Ukrainian (and not much less than the German or Russian. It is wrong when it comes to literature. At least four of Czech writers: Jaroslaw Haszek, Charles Czapek, Bogumil Hrabal and Milan Kundera. Ceske movies Poland is often seen, except that rather niche clusters.

most complicated is the situation with music. Of course, quite commonly known are the three biggest Czech composers of classical music - Anton Dvorak, Friedrich Smetana and Janacek Leon. Equally well known are the biggest Czech pop artists from the seventies and eighties of last century - Charles Gott and Helena Vondráčková. Some niche popularity is also in our late Bard Prague Spring - Charles Krill. Unfortunately, it is much worse with the contemporary music scene, which, except for one Jaromir Nohavica, remains completely unknown. I admit that I did not, as yet, nothing to change this negative situation. So far only two times I wrote about the Czech culture, and it's not about music, and once again on the radio and film. I think it's time I started to repair this omission.

Born in 1980, Lucy Vondračkowa, the niece of Helen, is one of the most interesting of the younger generation of Czech singers. It is not only the singer but an actress. As for a place in the music scene, to some simplification can be compared to our Ania Dabrowska. But unlike the Poles, Vondráčková not limited to jazzującego pop, but boldly goes back to the other genres and it's so distant from one another, like rock and club music. But that's not the end. It reaches the parts of American species virtually unknown in Poland, and Czech enjoy some popularity, as the folk in the American sense (which, to distinguish them from the folk in the Polish meaning, I will henceforth called amfolkiem), gospel, or bluegrass. All of these styles can be found on the album titled May Day, released in 2003, and has recently resumed a series of Nejprodávanějši alba. As a result, the stylistic diversity, there is quite a mix of exotic, which, especially at the first hearings, gives the impression some inconsistencies, which in turn is associated with another Polish singer moving in similar climates, namely, Margo. But in the case Vondráčková, inconsistencies that impression fades after just hearing her music, which reflects well on this class artist. Her music is high and the temperature is fairly representative of the ambitious Czech contemporary mainstream pop, so you should be acquainted with its plates.

Please Please Make Me Pregnant

Gucza. Duel in the trumpet


literature, theater, film and related areas of culture largely based on references to works created before. One of the most frequently used references to such writers is William Shakespeare, and most often used is the drama of the song "Romeo and Juliet." Just to mention a line Norwid "in Verona," along with his arrangements of music and American musical "West Side Story."

is not the only musical based on the Shakespearean play. Later, but no less interesting work of this kind is Serbian musical film "Guca. Duel on the trumpet," originated in 2006. One of my colleagues told me long ago that there are two kinds of films that can easily be viewed as the sound itself in an unfamiliar language, namely, fairy tales and porn. I personally think that this category also include należyć musicals. "Gucza" I watched the Serbian, the language that I do not know (Except, of course, a rudimentary knowledge of the resulting similarity to other, more or less familiar, Slavic languages), and I certainly do not sense that something important escapes me.

movie is very simple. Gucza title is a small town in western Serbia, which is held annually the largest in the Balkans, and perhaps around the world trumpet festival. One of the contestants is a young Gypsy, Romeo, who fell in love with the reciprocal a Serbian girl, Juliana. Julian's father called from his ability to play the trumpet Saczmo (a pseudonym used by Louis Armstrong) is opposed by the union. But I promise to give Gypsy girl, if he beats him Guczy. The last part of the film takes place in the authentic setting of the festival, where he wins Romeo.Nawiązania to Shakespeare is not only obvious, but even particularly emphasized, if only through the choice of names of main characters. There are also significant differences, resulting, inter alia, the specific circumstances of the Balkans. Young people are here so not so much, and perhaps not only to the feuding families, the feuding, or at least reluctant peoples themselves. There are also differences in relation to the original story of the species under the Convention. In contrast to the "Romeo and Juliet," "Duel in the trumpet ends well, which is quite common in musicals, which are sui generis tales for adults.

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Salve Regina

Regina Angelorum

The three out of four Marian antiphons, for in different parts of the liturgical year have already discussed. The rest I still fourth - Salve Regina, sung from the Feast of the Holy Trinity to the Saturday before the first Sunday of Advent. In addition to its proper use in the Liturgy of the Hours is sung at the end of the funeral and some other Masses for the dead. In relation to this application, let me tell a joke, based on a real incident which I witnessed myself.

In the village church in Upper Silesia, the parish priest celebrated Mass for the parishioners who died during World War II. After the Mass, said:

-At the end of something God When we sing ... - At this point breaks, transflective that highly inappropriate to be singing "God, Poland" at the Mass for the dead, the vast majority died in the uniform of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front. After a moment's hesitation, take-... singing "Salve Regina".

text was written by antiphon is St. Herman lame, German monk scholar and poet, who lived in the eleventh century. However, his text komponowało many composers. As usual, gives the original text and two translations.

Original text:

Salve, Regina, Mater Misericordiae,

vita dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve.

ad te clamamus

exsules filii Evae,

ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes

in hac lacrimarum valle.

Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos

misericordes oculos ad nos converte;

et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,

nobis post hoc exsilium Ostend.

O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria.

Literal translation:

Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,

life sweetness and our hope!

To you we cry

banished children of Eve,

to you our sighs, mourning and weeping

in this valley of tears.

Turn then, most gracious advocate,

your eyes of mercy towards us,

and Jesus, the blessed fruit of thy womb,

after this our exile show unto us.

O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!

verse translation, used in Silesia:

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy! /

our hope, life, sweetness! /

Hail, Mary, Mother of the one, /

Mother of us humans, Salve Regina!

Miserable Eve, my children cry, /

To you, Mother, weeping sighs: /

Let us helps your cause, /

In this vale, Salve Regina.

Please Mediatrix eyes on us, /

graciously accept our sigh: /

Show us, O Mother, Her Son, /

the top land, Salve Regina.

At the end, as usual, a few recordings from Yotube:

Salve Regina Gregorian (Solemn tone) performed by monks from the Abbey of Notre Dame

Salve Regina Nicholas Porpola

Salve Regina Najiego Hakim performed by Mr. Tieng Min

Salve Regina John Adolph Hasse performed by Bernarda Fik