author of this article is Thomas Galicki
Everyone who ran or runs a website, blog or forum knows how important it is to take care of creating a regular data.
It is in these places every day to create new entries, new comments, new topics or new posts. No one probably can not imagine a situation in which all data suddenly disappear, there is no content, and we remain on the ice. We can not allow for such situations.
say that blogs and discussion forums are the places most worthy of trust on the Internet, because people describing the phenomenon that the products they write about their own subjective feelings. In principle, describe what we have tested, or so they had to deal with.
I say that with the assumption, since in recent times are changing and going in the wrong direction. And it's all thanks to internet marketing, positioning and the desire to earn as much money in the end is not necessarily a fair way. Suppose, however, that this phenomenon does not occur, and everything that is reported on blogs and forums is valuable. All the more need to ensure the safety of our data. It's just additional time, and provide security.
This is why it is important to perform data backup . Configure automated backup does not take too much time and can save us and the reputation of our services. Even if it is not possible to perform automatic database backups, you might want to do it manually and regularly. How often? Everything depends on the rate of growth of content on the site.
If in our daily forum or blog comments come after a few dozen or a few hundred posts, wykonujmy a backup every day. If there is only a few - Once a week will be the appropriate frequency. It's important to do it in such a period of time, to between one copy and the other not to lose too much data.
If you run a blog and use WordPress CMS, a good idea to configure automatic backup creation will plug WordPress Database Backup, which will, inter alia, to send e-mail database as often as you set. If you are running the phpBB forum, you can use the plugin, which also will create an automatic copy of the database. There are many
different methods to protect themselves against data loss, no matter how you decide on, it's important to choose an effective method and apply it on a regular basis (whether automatically or manually). Do not lose your data, do not care about, it's important. ---
This article is excerpted from website
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