Friday, August 27, 2010

Dance License Detroit



Pears in the sky is the proverbial term promise impossible to meet, a synonym for something impossible, something that by no means in the real world can not exist. In particular, it is often used for very real the promises made by politicians during election. In an expression that echoes the opinion of the Gospel, "Do gather berries guilty of thorns, or figs of thistles?" (Mt. 7.20).

Today, however, I would like to look at this saying is not from a cultural, and natural point of view. I'd like to think about whether it is physically possible to grow pears in the sky? At first glance jnie is not possible, because the pears grow on pears (Pyrus Latin) rather than on willow (Salix). It is theoretically possible to immunize Although the branches of pear trees with her closest related species. But it is not feasible, even for the whole family Rosaceae (Rosaceae), the more so this can not be done in the case of taxonomically distant willows. The fact that pears can grow only on pear trees and close to her relatives not preclude the simultaneous rising also in the willows. So in fact made that the trees do not always grow directly in the ground. Probably each of us has seen more than once a tree sprouting from the roofs and walls of the neglected buildings.

Occasionally, too, that the trees grow the rotten parts of the crowns of other trees, as is the case with the tiny specimen maple (Acer platanoides), which grows in the middle of the crown of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), which was immortalized in the attached photograph. And it so happens that it was some species of willow are especially susceptible to decay word, and thus the outgrowth of other trees in its crown. About ten years ago, it happened to me, that I walked podwieczorną season of the Cistercian abbey at the top of the mountain Szczyrzyc Ciecień the railway station in Great Kasina. Along the way, in the village Wierzbanowa nomen omen, I saw a large volume of white willow (Salix alba), of which quite a few crowns wyrastała birch (Betula pendula). It is true that when I photographed this strange phenomenon, but because of the overlap of the three negative factors, namely low light conditions, low quality camera and very little of my skills in this area, picture came out very faint and indistinct. For this, over the years that have passed since that event, both the plate and lost my copy somewhere so I can not to this adequate written description of the photograph. Do not change the fact that a large birch can grow in the sky. And while we might birch, it can and pear.

grow pears in the sky so it is not entirely impossible, though without the slightest doubt this phenomenon is extremely rare. So it should probably also be considered the proverbial "pear in the sky", not as impossible, but as very unlikely. There is no impossible things in the world, however, are those whose probability of occurrence is very negligible.


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