As the vast majority of my readers know, the basic component of my writing is blogging. I have a big flock of blogs, and each year there are a few new ones. You can say that I am a new breed of scribbler - scribbler blog. To give readers the opportunity to obtain was an act in the thick of orientajcji blogs, published twice a year on most of these so-called organizational texts, a form guide to the menagerie. Sometimes, however, there is a need to write the text between them, for example, a new blog. That is at the moment. In late May, I started a new blog dedicated to shopping, and headed My Favorite Products . Reasons for establishment and functioning of this blog laid out in the introduction to it. is shopping blog, so the assumption less serious than cultural or political . Writing about shopping or products does not require postural after all, be more objective, or in-depth analysis. The very first observations of the statistics show that shopping is the blog of strong demand in the market. People want to know about shopping and products. There is a big chance that my new blog will be among my other blogs in terms of popularity, after Culture Caught Svetomira . But if it did hatch, after half a year I give up on him.
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