Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale, like as other traditional folk tales, is told and written in many different variants. Wariantywność is an essential characteristic of folk art. Some of these variants and circulating orally among the folklore, others belong to literature written, and still others for the comic book, various types of radio and television, etc.. etc.. etc.. At one time he did a lot of hype a variant of that fairy tale, when used in a TV commercial for mobile phone networks. Clueless to the rules governing the folklore, the then head of NBC Danuta Waniek, considered inadmissible wariantywność and led to the photo spot the antenna. In fact, the threads in the folklore as folklore, as well as in literature, writing, or in the film are far-reaching mutations and it is not uncommon. But not always work fully mutated, can perform the same role as the original folk tale. Andrzej Sapkowski wrote of his time telling where the dragon eats a shoemaker, who had another dragon podtruł stuffed ram. The author was obviously to create such a variant of the full right, none, however, who holds a healthy senses of this story will be read to children aged 3-10 years, ie that which supports and reads Traditional fairy tales.
problem appears so if the far-reaching changes affecting the track directed at children. Such is the case of anonymous books Red Riding Hood, published by the publishing Agnesa from Bielsko-Biala, in a series of Color Gardens. In this book we read inter alia: Wolf, who was king of the forest had reason not to have humor. Foresters cut down the best part of the forest wildlife refuges turned into a bare field. And like a wolf can live bez lasu? Gdzie może teraz zapolować? (zachowano pisownię oryginału – AR) Pomijam już błędy, kulawy język i dziwaczne uznanie wilka za króla lasu. Istotne jest co innego. W tej wersji wilk przestaje być bohaterem negatywnym, a staje się ambiwalentnym. Jego złe działania są częściowo usprawiedliwione działaniami osób trzecich, w tym przypadku leśników, a szerzej ludzi. A w tradycyjnej bajce ludowej miejsca na postacie ambiwalentne nie ma. Oddajmy głos największemu autorytetowi w tej sprawie, Brunonowi Bettelheimowi, autorowi najlepszej analizy bajek ludowych z punktu widzenia psychologii: Postacie baśniowe nie są ambiwalentne - There are both good and bad, as we all do in real life. Because the child's mind is dominated by the polarity, it is also characteristic of the fairy tale. The character is either good or bad, there is nothing intermediate. One of the brothers is stupid, the other wise. One of the sisters are virtuous and industrious, others are wicked and lazy. One is beautiful, others ugly. One of the parents is a thoroughly good, the second is fundamentally wrong. The compilation is not as opposed to enhancement, which behavior is appropriate-as it happens in the case of story building. (Meets fairy tales are not introducing moral plane, in which good and evil, beauty and ugliness do not play any role.) Showing the form of a so diametrically opposed to a young child is easier to grasp the difference that occurs between them than if they were presented in a manner closer to real life, that is, taking into account the full complexity, which is appropriate to real people. The ambiguity of the human is still too early for a child whose personality is still relatively consolidated. To him it could happen, it needs a positive identification. Only then gains basis to understand that people differ greatly among themselves and that you must choose who you want to be. Polar opposition of a fairy facilitates this fundamental decision, which depends on the further development of the whole personality.
After such an extensive quotation from the author's most competent in this matter, I see no need to further clarify why the introduction of the ambiguous form of stories intended for audiences of less than ten years of age is inappropriate. So let's focus on the question, what was the reason for ambivalence in this case? It is quite clear that the reason for this was the aspiration to an anonymous author pseudoekologiczną leftist ideology. In his demagogic zapędzie he did not consider it appropriate to save children, but on the contrary, considered it appropriate to pour this ideology into simple and absorbent minds of children. They are deserving popudki strong condemnation. Characteristic of the postmodern ideological mutations of the traditional topics that he can grow without restraint, anonymous in the literature for adults. Writing for Children, however, requires more responsibility. The youngest they should be isolated not only from reading pornography, or horror, but also political agitek like quoted. Therefore, I appeal to parents about themselves reading books of fairy tales, before providing their kids.
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