Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ontario Immunization Card

Autumn Promotion of text organization


September, so it's time for another text organization, which put on their blogs twice a year. This time it will be slightly different, because, before I proceed to discuss the current state of my blogs and my plans for next year blogerskich, devote a few sentences in my books. In the spring came out my first book, entitled "Religions in Poland." Her odautoskie discussion can be found here , and two independent reviews here it Uthai . In this one book is by no means intend to stop there. At the moment I finished two books: a collection of tales for children and a collection of short stories of fantasy for adults. For both looking for a publisher. If the text reads a publisher looking for authors, please contact us at: svetomir@gazeta.pl .

Let's get to blogging. Recall that I have a dozen or so and can be divided into three groups: primary and secondary periodic. The blogs I wrote more periodic in this entry , of \u200b\u200bsecondary and in the previous and even earlier text organization, so there's no point in me persists. I'll write only about the most significant change in this area, namely about my resignation from the blog of the portal ProPolonia, when the group of local journalists joined Mr. Andrzej Lepper. My step proved to be right, because Two months later, the environment around a portal that has provided an informal but clear support for the candidacy of Mr Lepper in the presidential election, me and, fortunately, missed the part in the embarrassing spectacle.

Go back to the original blog, the most important of which is still " Culture Caught Svetomira ." I plan to make certain modifications, which fully reveal the next year. First, a series of festival become a category will expand to at least twenty-five entries per year (plus miniwpisy in the form of posters, photos) and concerns, in addition to music festivals, including film, theater and more. Apart from that I make a blog about recenzyj certain regularity. I will be reviewed annually no less than ten books, ten albums and five films. As for the series, first I will continue those started last year: "The Humanities of marketowego basket", which is slowly moving towards an end, and "Media religious", which bogged down on technical grounds in the bushes. When I finish, "Humanities", will begin a series entitled "Work Masters" in which I will discuss two dozen books that have shaped me as an anthropologist. These would, in most books quite old, because I personally embraces the belief that in the field of humanities knowledge is not expired. Another new feature that will appear later this year will be the November cycle, eventually consisting of ten texts, devoted to the great creators of culture, who in the last twelve months went into eternity. Essentially I will not be in this cycle, even in the current year, discussed the dead, or zginionych politicians, unless they have made a significant contribution to the cultural achievements of mankind quite likely jes created a short cycle, carnival-based turbofolkowe videos and translations, which I presented embryonic form as early as last season.

Blog Creativity Svetomira "(formerly" Limericks from the Trash ") continues to be immersed in deep crisis, which signaled in the previous text organization. New entries appear in it only sporadically, and I have not regained my enthusiasm for its insertion. Although I have some ideas, but realistically speaking, I do not think I should get there earlier than in the spring. But in recent months revived my photoblog " Rybnik in the lens cells " and is due to the use of new technology, now since I put new entries on it directly from the cell. This reduces the whole the process of creating an entry from the photo was taken until the publication of the blog entry to less than one minute. More and more photos are from outside the Rybnik, so I consider changing the name to "The lens cells Svetomira." Policy Insights Svetomira "does not survive the last either crisis or prosperity, that's dead in its normal, irregular pace. In late May I started again, the fifth has the original blog, entitled " My Favorite Products ." For now he is with me on probation. If a half years, it will not do the expected result, the abandonment of regular development. The first month was very promising, but the others, unfortunately, much below expectations. On all my blogs appear on the original, or will appear, commercial texts, but in recent months pojawiajb they are in principle only to "Eye of Svetomira Culture." Other my blogs are far too poor. But they have potential, so everything can change.