My published on the Internet call to bury the most eminent Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski in the crypt of the Pauline Fathers in Krakow Skalka outraged many. They point out the deceased youthful fascination with Marxism, the fight of philosophers in the fifties before the war and Stanislaw Lem, inappropriate friendships and knowledge of, inter alia, of Helena Wolinska, which apparently was a recent burial, and many other minor and major sins and grzeszków. Of course, these critics do not mention a word about the fact that the Marxist philosopher's views preached by only one third of his creative life. Overlook the fact that as a mature thinker strong critic of Marxism, and in fact a Christian philosopher. Skip to the end of his immense help for anti-communist opposition in Poland and that until his death he played the role of a sui generis prophet and apologist of freedom, at a time when many thinkers sees freedom as a threat. They do not notice it's size. They forget that he was the first Kluge Prize, which is the equivalent of the Nobel Prize philosophy, as we all know that does not involve the art and the fact that he is the only Polish philosopher read around the world. There were even suggestions that my call is a joke not a serious proposition. Of course, it did not go without my people accused of belonging to the Jewish people, but I realize this accusation is deemed as a compliment. Jew, do not call just anyone. This situation is very similar a few years ago a strong opposition to the plans (fortunately realized) burial on the Cliff by Czeslaw Milosz, who was also accused of similar things, while ignoring its size.
Contrary to the opinion of these critics believe Leszek Kolakowski, first as a figure outstanding, and second, a man who did for others incomparably more good than bad, and the mistakes of youth had already been repaired, and redeem reward. And I think it is appropriate to bury him in the crypt of Merit on the Rock. Skalka because it is not for the Knights without flaws and blemishes. Even if takowi exist, (which I sincerely doubt), they are not prominent persons, because of errors and sins that just does not make, that does nothing. A Skalka is prominent persons, and above all for the great artists who have spread the name of the Polish around the world. Therefore, I find it reprehensible that there are not buried by Witold Lutoslawski, wholeheartedly approve of burial in this place of Czeslaw Milosz, and is now calling for burial on the Cliff by Leszek Kolakowski.
I know that each had its flaws, mistakes and sins. But did not have them buried in this place for centuries and decades? Is Flawless was Jan Dlugosz, who was not only an eminent historian, but also malicious lampooner? Or maybe Wincenty Pol, which Kornel Ujejski alleged lack of patriotism and agreeableness the invaders, and especially in Russia? Or bugger Karol Szymanowski, who changed lovers like gloves? Ludwik Solski, who had two wives, including only the second civilian? In the Gallery, who has committed a pair of anti-clerical works? Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, who been taking opium and spied for France? No, none of them was not an angel or a saint. But not for the holy life, but for the great works were buried in this place, as indeed najsłuszniej. And for the same place there should be Lutoslawski, Milosz and Kołakowskiemu. Of course, the Skalka Church and Monastery, which is why there can only hide Catholics. So never proposed to bury on the Rock, for example, by Stanislaw Lem. But the above-mentioned three geniuses, at least at the end of his life were Catholics, so there is no problem with that.
I must admit that is a matter of Lutoslawski's so shocked me that I decided to do in the future, which in my power to those whom I consider to be the greatest of Poles were buried in this place. I believe that in a free Poland, it is necessary renewal of the National Pantheon to the young generations it was not the place of the old and crumbling, but always present. So I created a private, wholly subjective list of outstanding, and when one of them dies every time undertake a campaign similar to the present. There are no politicians on the list, there are only brilliant, famous throughout the world, the creator of culture. At the moment we are five names on it, to Friday, there were six. I am afraid that in each case will be controversial, because geniuses are controversial. Often probably will be voices against the law, because each of these geniuses can be attributed to some sins. There will also be the critic from the left, but that for some political incorrectness, or for the fact that I want on the Rock to see only Catholics, or for being on my list, they are white heterosexual men. The latter is not my intentional choice, but a consequence of the five greatest living Polish people are white, heterosexual men. Fasteners years may be different, it is in then add your name to the list without any problem, people just do not meet these criteria. Composition list does not reveal the lives of people on it are. I'm open to suggestions and add all the new names.
Arthur Tiller